Community In Focus
May, 2020 - Issue #188
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Neighbors Helping Neighbors
by Kathy Watterson

As I sit down to write this, I'm overwhelmed - but not by what you may think. Yes, the world has become a much scarier place, but what has my head spinning is just how lucky my family and I are to be in Santa Clarita. In the midst of so much uncertainty, I find incredible comfort in the surefire steadiness of our community.

"When you lead a real estate company, your primary purpose is to connect clients to dream homes they never want to leave. But now, as we all stay 'safer at home,' what we understand 'home' to be has forever changed. As we move forward as a business and as members of this community, RE/MAX real estate experts are developing new ways to serve our neighbors, ensuring client safety and happiness - at home."
Dave Rendall, owner of RE/MAX of Santa Clarita, Valencia, Gateway and Elite West of Malibu
Santa Clarita had a hard 2019; we couldn't be upset if our town didn't step up so soon after last year's tragedies. Once again, though - our community does not disappoint. We've again gathered together (at a social distance!) to take care of each other.

I'm thinking of our teachers who, with very little notice, transitioned from a traditional classroom format to online instruction. Their love for their students has shined through, and I know many of us have come to realize that teaching might be one of the hardest jobs on the planet.

I'm thinking of the restaurant owners who have banded together to ensure that our first-rate medical teams at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital have quality meals to power them through seemingly-endless shifts. You can help "Feed the Frontline" by calling Marston's Restaurant at 253-9910 and donating $15 towards the cause.

I'm thinking of the local high school and college students who joined forces to create Six Feet Supplies ( Over 50 of them work together to offer zero-cost grocery delivery to at-higher-risk individuals and families throughout Santa Clarita. Log on, enter your shopping list, request a drop-off time and they take care of the rest - at no cost
I'm thinking of our city leadership and our county representatives who have done an incredible job streamlining communication, reducing ambiguity and leading our community to stay "Safer at Home."

I'm thinking about our first responders, local hospitals and healthcare providers who have bravely answered the call to care for our community under some of the hardest conditions imaginable. They are heroes!

Most of all... I'm thinking of YOU. You're staying home, you're managing changes at work, you might be homeschooling kids, you may be an essential worker helping us stay safe at home. You're doing your best to stay well and stay sane. You're rolling with the changes, adapting and keeping positive. You inspire me to do the same! This too shall end, my friends - and when it does, we'll again look to our neighbors and recognize how they helped get us through.

I'd be remiss if I didn't end on a note about real estate. Right now, client safety is our No. 1 priority. With creative marketing tools, virtual tours, 360-degree tours and more, we can still connect clients to the property of their dreams - without you ever leaving home.
Kathy Watterson of the Kathy Watterson Team 510-0321
courtesy of shutterstock
courtesy of shutterstock

Surviving & Thriving with Melanie Meyer
Q&A with Cancer Survivor & LLS Volunteer Melanie Meyer

Why is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) such an important cause to you?
I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma on September 6, 2018, and thankfully, my last treatment was March 1, 2019 - over one year ago! LLS has allocated nearly $1 billion toward research, and it is the reason why I'm still here. Today I am healthy, and by raising funds for LLS, I can help further research not only for blood cancer but all types of cancer. Twenty years ago, the treatment options were much more difficult to endure, but LLS helped change that. And during the current pandemic, their powerful, life-saving research is more important than ever.

Why did you decide to join the LLS Man & Woman of the Year fundraising campaign?
There are six men and six women competing for the LLS Man & Woman of the Year fundraising campaign. Out of the 12 participants, I learned that I am the only one who had blood cancer. Many of the other participants have had family members or friends who had a form of blood cancer, and their family members are no longer here to tell their stories. It's so important to hear those stories, and I thought I could add something to the conversation by sharing a different one. I'm here because of LLS, and that story needs to be told, too. That's why our fundraising goal for the LLS Man & Woman of the Year campaign is $100,000. If we can raise enough money, we can get closer to curing blood cancer once and for all - and sharing many more stories like mine.

How can our community help support you and LLS?
Because of the current global pandemic, our pivotal fundraising events have been canceled, and we have not yet hit our goal. But this research is just as important as ever, especially since those currently undergoing cancer treatments are at a higher risk for contracting COVID-19. You see, LLS not only researches blood cancers, but they also provide needed services to families in need due to blood cancer. For example, during this quarantine, LLS is making sure that medications are delivered to patients if they can't get to the pharmacy because of a weakened immune system. That's also why the best way to help is to simply participate in the LLS Man & Woman of the Year fundraising campaign. Your donation makes a world of difference - I know because it saved my life.
Please consider saving lives with your donation to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through
Melanie Meyer's fundraising page at:
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