Community In Focus
The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley Needs Your Help
June, 2020 - Issue #189

The results are in: 54 percent of Boys & Girls Club alumni say the club saved their life. The Boys & Club of Santa Clarita Valley has always been a place where kids could just be kids. Whether they're shooting hoops with friends or learning a new skill from a mentor-turned-hero, the club has always been the safe space they can count on when things get tough. But the recent pandemic has had a huge impact on the club and the families we serve.
With our doors closed, many local children and teens are left home alone. Though we'll reopen as soon as it's safe, we're tasked with the unprecedented challenge of delivering quality programming while kids are at home. Our Youth Development Professionals have been hard at work implementing new and innovative ways to continue the club's mission of reaching those who need us most. Through virtual programming, social media, phone calls and letter writing, staff are connecting with Club members through these hard times.
We continue to reach out because we know it helps. In fact, when kids spend more time at the club, independent research shows they're more likely to: stay engaged in school, get involved in the community, avoid risky behaviors and increase their health awareness. These are the positive effects we're working hard to continue and you can help.
We're launching a new fundraising campaign to reach $100,000 by June, which will enable us to offset the cancellation of our largest fundraiser of the year. We're asking for:
"OUR KIDS need your help more than ever before."
Matthew Nelson, CEO of Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley
• $150 One Week of Healthy Snacks
• $500 Graduation Celebration for 15 Seniors
• $750 Daily Sports and Fitness Program
• $1,000 Covid-19 Recovery Training for Staff
• $1,500 Academic Support to Reverse Learning Loss
• $2,500 1 Month of Healing Arts Program
• $5,000 Summer Teen Leadership Programming
• $10,000 200 hours of Programming for 50 Kids
Our local kids need your help now more than ever before. Our community's kids and teens need to get back on track to their bright futures, and your support will help stem the learning loss - because when our doors reopen, a huge job lies ahead. Your donations are vital to rebuilding our kids' futures, as well as the health of the community overall.
All children deserve a good education, a healthy lifestyle and the chance to have a positive influence on their community. To make an investment in the next generation, please visit to make a donation today.
Our kids need you.

Make a Donation
Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley
Visit, or send your donation to:
PO Box 220639
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
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