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Avenues SLS Winter Clothing Drive
Avenues Supported Living Services (SLS) is a non-profit organization in Santa Clarita that was created to support people with developmental disabilities become and remain active participants in their communities.
Avenues SLS is committed to empowering individuals to make their own choices and experience life's diverse possibilities, striving to help each person the organization supports lead the life of their choosing. They help by building relationships between the people they serve and others, including family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, community members, support staff and more.
Right now, you can help build these support systems by performing a little Spring Cleaning! Avenues SLS's Winter Clothing Drive, running through March 19, will directly support the organization's efforts on behalf of local adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Deliveries should be bagged and may be made in person Monday through Friday from 10am to 2pm at the Avenues Office in Valencia, located at 28415 Industry Drive #502. Donations may be left at the door of unit #505 if no one is available. Pick up can be arranged by calling 702-9788.
What they Need
Gently used, clean and reusable clothing of all sizes
Jackets Shoes Belts Backpacks and purses Sheets, comforters and blankets
Carousel Wishes & Valentine KissesMeet one of Carousel Ranch's young riders, Luc, a 6 year old who came to the Ranch with muscles so constricted he was unable to run, jump or balance. As Luc's mother relayed, "Parenting a child with special needs can be a daunting task." Since beginning equestrian therapy, his balance and flexibility have increased, and Luc is able to walk, run and jump without falling as often. Once thought impossible, Luc now spends hours riding bikes and scooters. "While these things seem like such a 'normal' part of life, for some kids like Luc they are miracles. Not only is Luc thriving, but he gets to do it at a place he loves and where he is loved." This is the magic of Carousel Ranch.
During the month of February, Carousel Ranch looks to the community to support their annual "Carousel Wishes & Valentine Kisses" giving campaign. When last year's campaign ended, no one could have imagined what the months ahead would bring. Despite temporary closures and adaptation of new protocols, the Ranch continued to serve students in innovative ways. With renewed hope in 2021, you can help Carousel Ranch reach its goal by supporting their annual giving campaign. Thanks to the very generous offer by long-time ranch supporters Wayne and Dianne Crawford to match every dollar raised up to $30,000, you can double your donation. That means every $10, $50, $100 and $500 donation becomes $20, $100, $200 and $1,000 for Carousel Ranch! Together, we can make a difference, one very special child at a time. Please consider changing a life through the priceless gift of therapy by donating today.
Celebrating its 20th Anniversary, Mission Valley Bank's local roots run deep motivated by the desire to be an integral part of the area they serve. A strong community thrives on personal relationships and Mission Valley Bank supports - and is honored to be supported by - the Santa Clarita Valley. Mission Valley Bank is more than just another local bank. They are a full-service, independent, commercial bank that is locally-owned, community minded and relationship driven. They're proud to have earned their reputation as Trusted Advisors. Mission Valley Bank is as dedicated to their customers' success as they are. They appreciate their business and welcome the opportunity to earn yours.
Mission Valley Bank Santa Clarita Branch Office 753-5693