Community In Focus
There's still Time to Double your Impact for Carousel Ranch
March, 2023 - Issue #218

"Carousel Ranch is a welcome get away from their tiring schedule. Regardless of each child's abilities, the Ranch is something they can experience together. This is the MAGIC OF CAROUSEL RANCH."
Danny, Jonah & Jackson's mom
Few nonprofits have made as big of an impact on our community at large than Carousel Ranch, our local equestrian therapy and vocational training organization. Serving over 100 students each week, the Ranch provides on-horseback therapy for children with special needs and vocational training for adults with special needs.
During the month of February, CR's annual event raises essential operating funds with their Carousel Wishes & Valentine Kisses campaign. Thanks to the very generous offer by long-time ranch supporters Wayne and Dianne Crawford to match every dollar raised up to $50,000, you can double your donation. That means every $10, $50, $100 and $500 donation becomes $20, $100, $200 and $1,000 for Carousel Ranch! Together, we can make a difference, one very special child at a time. Please consider changing a life through the priceless gift of therapy by donating today.
Donate now by logging on.

Carousel Wishes & Valentine Kisses

Meet three of Carousel Ranch's young riders - all in the same family! The youngest, Danny, has multiple disabilities including cerebral palsy, moderate hearing loss and is legally blind. He is not able to walk, so riding gives a sense of freedom and mobility along with improved balance, strength, coordination and range of motion he would not otherwise experience.
Jonah has extremely low muscle tone and stamina and has difficulty managing his behavior and taking direction. Riding has improved his core strength, endurance, self-regulation and ability to listen and follow directions.
The oldest, Jackson, has extreme anxiety, especially with new experiences. Being around the horses, talking to them, petting and brushing them improves his mood, reduces anxiety and hyperactivity and gives him an overall sense of peace. It also helps improve his balance and coordination, which affects his ability to participate in sports, focus on academic tasks and even write letters and numbers.
According to Danny, Jonah and Jackson's mom, Carousel Ranch is a welcome get away from their tiring schedule. Regardless of each child's abilities, the Ranch is something they can experience together. This is the magic of Carousel Ranch.
During the month of February, Carousel Ranch looks to the community to support their annual "Carousel Wishes & Valentine Kisses" giving campaign. During the pandemic, despite temporary closures and adaptation of new protocols, the Ranch has continued to serve students in innovative ways. With renewed hope in 2023, you can help Carousel Ranch reach its goal by supporting their annual giving campaign.
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