Community in Focus
'Tis the Season to Help Seniors
December, 2017 - Issue #159
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courtesy of Shutterstock
'Tis the Season to Help Seniors
Treat a Senior to a Hot Bowl of Soup

When mobility, energy and resources are limited, it becomes especially difficult to fix yourself something tasty and nutritious to eat. That's why convenient cans of soup are such a blessing to many SCV seniors; they can make a hot, healthy bowl quickly and easily. The next time you're at the grocery store, could you put a few extra cans of soup in the cart for a senior in need? Or maybe your kids can share holiday greetings while collecting soup from neighbors. Once you're "canned," take your donations to Visiting Angels now through January 15th. (Special thanks to Camelot Moving & Storage for delivering all that soup to its final destination, too!). Call to arrange a donation time. 263-2273

Be a Santa to a Senior
Each year, Home Instead Senior Care joins with business leaders and members of the SCV community to bring holiday cheer to lonely and financially-challenged seniors. Be a Santa to a Senior has helped deliver thousands of holiday presents to seniors who may not otherwise be remembered or acknowledged for their significant contributions to our world. Those wishing to purchase gifts for seniors during the holidays can log on to to find the Santa tree nearest them. Just remove an ornament from the tree, purchase the requested gift or gifts written on the ornament, place them in a gift bag and bring the gifts back to participating stores. All gifts will be collected, tagged and delivered by Home Instead with the assistance of staff from the SCV Food Pantry and Senior Center, the Salvation Army and the Santa Clarita Post-Acute Care Center. Home Instead Senior Care for Santa Clarita and Antelope Valleys 254-8701

The SCV Senior Center New Building Story

On a clear, warm and breezy day, over 200 supporters - including an expansive collection of state, regional and local dignitaries - gathered at the site of the future Santa Clarita Senior Center on Golden Valley Road last month to officially break ground on what will be a facility three times the size of the existing Center in Newhall. Exciting additions to the new Center include an expanded Adult Day Program, Health & Wellness Center, Employment and Financial Centers; Culinary Arts Kitchen; multi-purpose rooms; a "living room" with fireplace and socialization area; and much more. According to the Campaign team, the focus isn't just on the building, however - but the people who need it the most. "We're not just building a Center, we're building a community of our own - one that makes people healthier and wiser," said Campaign Co-chair Peggy Rasmussen. "Today, we still have $1 million to raise," said SCV Senior Center New Building Campaign Co-chair Todd Stevens. "We're confident that the community will help us close the funding gap and raise the remaining monies needed." The SCV Senior Center New Building Campaign is currently soliciting donations and community partnerships. Donations can be made online at; by writing a check to SCVCOA-Building Fund (Memo: Capital Campaign) and mailing it to 22900 Market Street, Santa Clarita, CA 91321; calling in a credit-card donation to the SCV Senior Center (259-9444) or working with Executive Director Kevin MacDonald to arrange gifts of stock, securities and more (259-9444, extension 123). Building naming opportunities, commemorative plaques and more are available and donations are tax deductible.

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