Keeping Up with Ken
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
May, 2020 - Issue #188

Q: In these unprecedented times, what message would you want to send to the Santa Clarita community?
The most important thing people can do at this time is follow the direction of our medical and health professionals. If the recommendation is to stay at home and practice social distancing - then I urge all of you to do so. These last few weeks have been filled with uncertainty and fear; however, they have also been filled with unbelievable kindness, support and gratitude. It is inspiring to see the way neighbors are helping neighbors, people are supporting our essential workers and even literal signs of encouragement and hope have been posted all over our city. I want each of you to know that we will get through this. Santa Clarita has always been a strong and united city and we will continue to be proud and resilient.
photo courtesy of SchlickArt Photography & Video Studios and Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce
"I want each of you to know that WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS. Santa Clarita has always been a strong and united city and we will continue to be proud and resilient."

Q: Speaking of being resilient - what are you looking forward to once this is behind us?
Now that is a good question. There are so many things I am looking forward to. I can't wait to have my fellow city staffers all back at City Hall doing the work that they enjoy and serving our community. I can't wait to take my kids to the playground and enjoy all the amenities at our city parks. I look forward to all of our community businesses reopening and welcoming customers. There are so many programs, events and projects that were put on pause and I am eagerly anticipating getting those back on track. One of our favorite summer pastimes is the always popular Concerts in the Park series. I look forward to joining my family, friends and neighbors at Central Park and enjoying some great live music under the stars!

Q: As we navigate our way back to normal, where can residents go for important information?
Our city's emergency website is regularly updated with news, information and crucial resources. In addition, it features video messages from the Mayor and a comprehensive list of press releases from our local and regional partners. This is the one-stop spot to get the latest statistics, find out what is open and get the latest updates from our local organizations. Our city's social media pages are also tracking the latest information and sharing the updates you need to know - as well as sharing information from our partners. The city's Facebook page is also a great place to get answers to any questions you may have. Send the city a direct message and our staff will get you the information you need. The city's emergency website is located at and you can find us on Facebook at @CityofSantaClarita.
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