Keeping Up with Ken
August, 2020 - Issue #191
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courtesy of shutterstock (right)

"Many of our local businesses have struggled during the closures, which in turn means their employees - our neighbors, friends and family members - have also been out of work. Take some time this month to swing by your favorite boutique or restaurant to shop and eat local."
Q: For those of us who love to shop and eat out,
the last few months have been challenging. But now
things are opening up again! How can we enjoy our
favorite local spots, while making sure we stay healthy?

A good place to start is the City of Santa Clarita's Safer Business Commitment webpage. This site gives customers the confidence to frequent their favorite local establishments once again. Local businesses can visit the website at, where they will commit to following the latest safety guidelines and best practices, such as the use of face coverings, providing hand sanitizer and allowing for physical distancing. All of our local businesses who have made the commitment will have their business listed on the website as a Santa Clarita Safer Business. In addition, the City of Santa Clarita in partnership with our local business organizations - the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Cooperation, the Chamber of Commerce and Valley Industry Association (VIA) - are working together to encourage our community to shop local. Many of our local businesses have struggled during the closures, which in turn means their employees - our neighbors, friends and family members - have also been out of work. Take some time this month to swing by your favorite boutique or restaurant to shop and eat local.

Q: Speaking of places we haven't been in a while, it is hard to believe that the new school year is nearly underway! Any advice for parents or students?
It is hard to believe our kids have not been to physical school for almost six months. I know firsthand the challenges of distance learning, but I am so proud of our local school districts, teachers and the plans they were able to quickly put in place to accommodate this new type of schooling. The upcoming academic year is going to look different. If we have learned anything over the last few months, it is to be flexible and take the steps necessary to protect our community and loved ones, while slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Our children are resilient and will adjust to wearing masks and other new safety precautions. I know my kids are excited to see their friends and get back into a routine, whatever that looks like for this school year.

Q: We are in the middle of the summer heat, which means our beautiful hillsides are a golden brown and covered with dry brush. What advice do you have for people to protect their homes from brush fires?
I encourage all residents to help protect our community from wildfires. Ensure you don't accidentally spark a fire by lighting off fireworks. Always properly dispose of lit cigarettes and don't use any landscaping equipment that could throw off sparks near dry brush. Make sure your property is ready for fire danger as well. Clear the vegetation around your home and property line to create a defensible space that will provide a fire break, and allow space for firefighters to make a stand. Proper clearance dramatically increases the chance of your house surviving a wildfire. To learn more about how to prepare your home and family for a possible fire, utilize the Ready Set Go Wildfire Action Plan available at visit
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