Keeping Up with Ken
October, 2021 - Issue #204

Q: This month, we will see two major new City of Santa Clarita facilities open their doors. What can residents anticipate with the opening of the new Canyon Country Community Center and the new Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station?
Both of these landmark amenities have been a long time coming and we are so excited to finally open the doors to the community. The ribbon cutting for the Sheriff's Station will take place on October 18 at 10am. This state-of-the-art station will replace the current one on Magic Mountain Parkway, which has been in service for half a century. The new station has all the resources, space and facilities to protect our community now and into the future. In addition, it is centrally located on Golden Valley Road, allowing for easy emergency response anywhere in the valley.
And make sure to mark your calendar for October 30, at 10am, for the grand opening celebration of the new Canyon Country Community Center. This project has completely transformed the nine-acre site at the corner of Soledad Canyon Road and Sierra Highway. Get ready to explore the new Community Center and the acres of surrounding active parkland. The center itself will be a hub for enrichment, activity and learning, offering classes on everything from salsa dance and basketball skills to foreign language and cooking. In addition, the new Canyon Country Community Center will be the place to gather and engage as a community. The grounds surrounding the building offer multiple public art pieces, a playground, basketball court, event stage, mercado, walking paths and so much more. Please join us for the grand opening celebration. For more information, visit
"The grounds surrounding the building offer multiple public art pieces, a playground, basketball court, event stage, mercado, walking paths and SO MUCH MORE."

Q: Last year was a tough one for many young students. Now that school is underway, what resources are available to help kids be successful this year?
It's been a rollercoaster for both students and parents. If your child is struggling with their work, look no further than our Santa Clarita Public Library. There is a world of resources available to you for students of all ages. If you find that homework is getting too challenging for you to assist with, log on to the Live Homework Help. On this site, your child can interact with live tutors in math, science, reading, writing, social studies and PSAT/SAT prep. Students can also submit their written work for constructive feedback on essays and reports or submit a specific question they are stuck on and receive expert guidance. In addition, parents can learn tips on encouraging their youngsters to fall in love with reading, keeping their kids safe online and so much more. All you need is a library card to get started. For more information, please visit

Q: Normally, November is when the popular Santa Clarita Marathon takes to our trails and paseos. After being postponed last year, is the Marathon coming back?
Yes, the 25th anniversary of the Santa Clarita Marathon is returning! However, instead of taking place in November, the Marathon will be held on February 12, 2022. This means you still have time to up your mileage and get ready to run! Registration is now open at The upcoming event will include several distances to meet your endurance levels. You can choose to participate in a full 26.2-mile marathon, a half marathon, 5K, 10K or Mayor's Walk. Remember, this picturesque race takes place mostly on our protected paseos, so you don't have to worry about vehicle traffic - and it is a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon!
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