Keeping Up with Ken
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
March, 2023 - Issue #218

Q: Let's start out this month by talking trash. There are some big changes coming to how Santa Clarita residents will dispose of their trash and organics. What do people need to know?
Beginning on July 1, 2023, there are two big changes coming for all Santa Clarita residents. We will transition to a new residential waste hauler and implement a state-mandated organics recycling program. The city currently has two different waste haulers that handle residential and commercial customers separately. Through a competitive bid process, the city has awarded Burrtec Waste Industries the right to provide waste hauling service for both residential and commercial customers. While the city and Burrtec are working closely to ensure a smooth transition, it is important to note that all Santa Clarita single-family homes will automatically have their existing waste carts replaced with new Burrtec carts leading up to the new service start date in July. These new carts will also follow a state-mandated color scheme, which requires black carts for garbage, blue carts for recycling and green carts for organics. Your organic waste - consisting of food waste, which includes common expired foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, breads, plate scrapings and other non-consumable foods - will need to be disposed of in a plastic bag in the green cart, while yard waste must be kept loose and not contained in a bag.
We know change can be hard so we are going to keep you up to date with our informational video series titled "Trash Talks." Updates will also be sent by mail in addition to being posted to the city's and Burrtec's social media pages. You can follow both @greensantaclarita on Facebook and @burrtecscv on Facebook or Instagram to get the latest updates.

"Celebrate is the perfect way to expand horizons, EXPERIENCE NEW CULTURES and strengthen the ties that make Santa Clarita one of the best places to live in the country."
Q: The Celebrate series gives residents the opportunity to experience different cultures worldwide every first Friday of the month. What makes this monthly event so unique?
Santa Clarita is a unique and thriving city because of the diversity of our community. Launched in 2022, the Celebrate series spotlights this diversity by showcasing the wide range of cultures present in Santa Clarita. The Celebrate series is held at the Canyon Country Community Center on the second Friday of the month at 6pm from April through September and allows members of our community to come together and learn about a variety of countries and cultures through music, crafts, activities and flavorful on-site food trucks. Last year, Celebrate paid tribute to cultures including the Polynesian Islands, India, Greece and Mexico, among others. This year, residents can look forward to experiencing the cultures of Egypt, Peru, Spain and more. Celebrate is the perfect way to expand horizons, experience new cultures and strengthen the ties that make Santa Clarita one of the best places to live in the country.

Q: Enjoying a night on Main Street just became a lot more entertaining with the return of SENSES Block Parties. What themes can we look forward to this year?
This year, we are kicking off our first SENSES Block Party in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. It's the perfect event to enjoy a night out with family and friends in the heart of Old Town Newhall. Attendees can expect to enjoy sweet and savory foods from on-site food trucks and your favorite Main Street restaurants. I invite you to join us every third Thursday of the month at 7pm from March to October. There will be new themes each month, including "Wild Wild West" and "Tropical Summer." Be on the lookout for our monthly party in the city's premier arts and entertainment district. For more information about SENSES and upcoming City of Santa Clarita events, connect with the City of Santa Clarita events page on Facebook.
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