Keeping Up with Ken
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
June, 2024 - Issue #231

Q: It's almost been a year since state-mandated organics
recycling went into effect, what do residents need to know
to make sure they are recycling right?

We know that the switch to organics recycling can be a challenging one. Our Green Santa Clarita team has been working to make this transition as easy as possible for residents. The Trash Talks video series is a great resource for the community, and is available to view at any time on These videos highlight everything you need to know about organics recycling, including the new process of disposing bagged food waste inside the green organics cart, alongside loose green waste or yard waste. You June be wondering about what items count as food waste. Here are some examples of the tricky ones, that can be placed with food waste: egg shells, bones, peels, soiled paper products, coffee grounds/filters and tea bags. If you have questions about what goes where, make sure to follow Green Santa Clarita on Facebook and on their new Instagram page.

"This year's abundant rainfall has transformed the hillsides around our city into a lush green landscape. However, as the weather dries up, we face a significant increase in dry brush posing a heightened RISK OF WILDFIRES."
Q: This winter and spring we experienced several major storms. How has the rain impacted our landscape over the past year and what fire dangers should we anticipate now that the brush is drying up in the summer heat?
This year's abundant rainfall has transformed the hillsides around our city into a lush green landscape. However, as the weather dries up, we face a significant increase in dry brush posing a heightened risk of wildfires. You can contribute to lowering these associated risks by taking steps to prevent wildfires and knowing how to respond if one occurs. The Los Angeles County Fire Department encourages residents to familiarize themselves with the Ready! Set! Go! personal wildfire action plan, available at Ensure your readiness by establishing and maintaining a defensible space around your home - a vital buffer between your structure and potential fire hazards like plants, brush and trees. Prepare your family for possible evacuation by keeping important documents easily accessible and assembling an emergency supply kit. In the event of a fire, know when to go! Taking prompt action to evacuate increases your family's safety and aids firefighters by keeping roads clear. Together, through preparedness and cooperation, we can safeguard our community against the threat of wildfires.

Q: It's getting hot! What are some ways residents can beat the heat in Santa Clarita?
We are known for our hot summers here in the Santa Clarita Valley. Fortunately, we have many City of Santa Clarita amenities where you can cool off, be active and Junebe even learn something new. I know my kids like to beat the heat by heading to the Santa Clarita Aquatic Center, presented by Kaiser Permanente. Of course, the kids always opt for the 160-foot water slide or the diving boards, but residents can enjoy the cool water while lap swimming, honing their skills in swim lessons, trying out a water exercise class or simply taking part in recreational swim. If you're looking for something a little closer to home, there are several other city pools to dive into throughout our community; for a full list please visit You can also stay frosty this summer at The Cube: Ice and Entertainment Center, powered by FivePoint Valencia. Always a chilly 54-degrees inside, The Cube is the perfect place to ice skate, play hockey, watch the action from the stands or enjoy a unique dining/happy hour atmosphere at The Top Shelf. For those who want to sit back and relax, stop by one of the three Santa Clarita Public Library Branches. Here you can enjoy the air conditioning while discovering your new favorite book or doing research on one of the many computers. For more information on all these amenities, please visit
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