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"Let your heart be light" are lyrics from "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" - my favorite Christmas song (Judy Garland's version, of course.). It's full of nostalgia, some heartbreak and a big hug... all at the same time.
Oh, but that "let your heart be light" part.
LET. YOUR. HEART. BE. LIGHT. Can we sit with this a moment?
Naturally the heart is heavy, but it's been heavier the last two years, right? Mine sure has.
This notion of allowing our hearts to be light fascinates me. In the midst of the unknown - or known! - letting the heart be light (And shine light!) should be the goal for not only the holiday season but all the seasons.
If nobody has told you lately, you are doing a great job. With or without praise, keep being the light. Offer the benefit of the doubt and don't blow out other people's lights - their darkness is only there for you to shine on. Keep allowing light! The trickling effect this lightness has is life changing - and it's what the spirit of Christmas is truly about.
Together, that's what I want to do this holiday season - with a light heart that spreads the true spirit of Christmas.
Sing your favorite holiday song as you stroll Main Street soaking in all the light! Our ports might be full but stop into local stores - all my faves are filling these pages! They are full of light and they are ready to help you get your holiday shopping done while keeping your heart light. In turn, you fill them with that same light and we keep this lightness going!
Take a reset and take care of yourself. Don't wait until the first of the year. You can't be pure light and be a cliche all at the same time. You are the light! Take that moment to get yourself centered with fitness or treatments that tell your body you are up for the task of being this incredible light source. Not only will you be taking care of you but you're showing all around you what it looks like to fill your own cup. This is a necessity. And, if nobody has told you lately, you're doing a great job. (Yes, I said that above, too - but you deserve to hear it again.).
On behalf of myself and the entire Inside SCV Family, I pray your holiday season is filled with a lightness that cannot be contained.
XOXO, Jeanna
Jeanna Crawford is a proud publisher of Inside SCV Magazine. She's also the glitter-covered draw of the eponymous Jeanna Loves Christmas, a DIY holiday tutorial brand you'll find on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest and more.