Livin' on a Prayer
May, 2020 - Issue #188
courtesy of shutterstock
courtesy of shutterstock

At least once a day, I turn to the one and only Bon Jovi, who had the foresight in their seminal rock ballad to sing:
"Woah, we're half way there
Woah, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear
Woah, livin' on a prayer."

No '80s hair-band chorus could better surmise how I've felt during this time in history. I am confident that we're going to get through this, with great thanks to God and each other - but we're not quite there yet.

And that's okay. Doing things right takes time and I'm grateful for our local, regional and state leadership that has prioritized our community's safety.

What do we do, though, when we're only, "half way there?" For that answer, I turn to another of my fave songs, Martina McBride sings: "Love's the only house big enough for all the pain in the world, so come on down to my house."

My "house" is Inside SCV Magazine; it's a house of love and everyone has an open invitation. I've never counseled so many business owners in a day as I have during this crisis. I've never been so still in my office, or prayed so hard. And yet, love prevails. This magazine you're holding now is brought to you by the people behind Santa Clarita businesses and organizations who want to say one thing: "We're here for you, SCV - and we love you." This publication was a labor of love crafted by women working remotely, most balancing new homeschool duties with business that was anything but usual. It is yet another symbol that we will soldier on, together, into a new world that might look different, but can be better than ever.

That's the perspective I take with me every time I leave home to run my essential business. In my quiet car rides, which are now cherished and in stark contrast to my home that's currently buzzing with online lessons, I actively work on a perspective shift.

Here is what I have seen.

When we lowered the bar on our kids' education, I watched it raise itself, as our children developed resilience, new coping skills and more gratitude for their schools and teachers.
Our community has committed to making things right for our high-school seniors, planning proms in living rooms in the short term and grand graduations in the long. I saw our future leaders again step up, too - helping their neighbors get groceries, making masks and feeding nurses. I can't wait to live in a world they run.

Within twelve hours, I saw hundreds of signs around town thanks to Creative Design Services. They make me cry joyful tears every time I pass one!

I have been wowed by our locally-owned restaurants that pivoted on a dime, providing kitchen essentials, crafting affordable family meals, creating systems for no-contact pickup, working every angle to keep their staff employed and us fed.
I saw a baby that I've never met, but who I love with my whole heart, come into this world amidst chaos and bring order and meaning to those who cherish her. Inside SCV's newest darling, Taylor Tunney, was born when it felt like only clouds were overhead and instantly made the sky seem bright with rainbows.
I have seen, and continue to see, my hometown again rise to the occasion, protecting our most vulnerable and honoring the heroes who keep us safe.

What will we see next? I'm not sure - but take my hand, we'll make it, I swear... livin' on a prayer.

With Love,
and your Family at
Inside SCV Magazine

Taylor Byrd Tunney
Taylor Byrd Tunney
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