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Celebrating Santa Clarita Volunteers & the Nonprofits they Serve
May is National Bike Month! How does the City of Santa Clarita celebrate?
Dig out your Cowboy boots and dust off your hat - because "West is best" in April in Santa Clarita!
The Cowboy Festival is right around the corner! What can residents expect this year?
Through February, donations to Carousel Ranch will grow twice as big thanks to a generous matching donation - up to $50,000 - from Wayne and Dianne Crawford. So, your $10 online donation will become $20 - and so on! Spread the joy during this month filled with love - literally changing lives not only today but long into the future.
The ever-popular Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival is riding into town soon. Celebrate and SENSES are also making their return this season. What else can we expect?
Q: New Year's resolutions are here! What do you recommend for residents who are looking for new experiences in the new year?
Through February, donations to Carousel Ranch will grow twice as big thanks to a generous matching donation - up to $50,000 - from Wayne and Dianne Crawford. So, your $10 online donation will become $20 - and so on! Spread the joy during this month filled with love - literally changing lives not only today but long into the future. Make your doubly-kind donation now and learn how to support the Ranch around town in February.
The Holiday Home Tour Gala and Boutique are cherished Santa Clarita traditions. Hosted by the Home Tour League, the annual events raise funds for Henry Mayo's Center for Women and Newborns as well as the Kim and Steven Ullman NICU.
Q: After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, many people are looking to make their New Year's Resolutions and get active. What are some options offered by the city to get moving?
For 20 years, Santa Clarita families have been creating memorable holiday experiences at Festival of Trees, a community-wide holiday event in support of Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley.
It really starts feeling like the holidays once all the decorations and sparkling lights are up around town. What is the best way for residents to enjoy the festive displays?
ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING Accepting Final Nominations for 18th Annual Paint-It-Forward
Santa Clarita is known as a community where arts thrive. Is there a conference coming up to support our local artists?
Heart of the West may be sold out in person, but you can still join in the fun with virtual tickets! The guest experience will remain intact even when you're enjoying the fun in the intimacy of your own dining room or patio.
School is back in session! Are there any programs available to help students that might need additional back-to-school resources?
Saddle up, put on your boots and lasso your tickets today, because with limited capacity, reserved-seating tickets for Heart of the West will sell out even earlier than usual.
Here comes the sun! As temperatures rise, it's time to take a fresh look at your water use and re-commit to sustainable water-saving practices. SCV Water is here to help you show your landscape some love with water-saving tips and valuable rebates. They make it easier than ever to unleash your flower power as an eco-conscious homeowner.
Q: Our favorite summertime event series is just around the corner. What does the City of Santa Clarita have in store for this year's Concerts in the Park lineup?
Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley's highly-anticipated annual auction, "Auction 51," will be held on Saturday, June 3 - and the space-themed extravaganza will be out of this world.
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