Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin has been recognized with the 2021 Award for Career Excellence
SCV is about to welcome a new community center!
Just in time for their 25th annual anniversary event, Carousel Ranch's Heart of the West will be a celebration of this community's everlasting love and support for the beloved equestrian-therapy organization.
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
There has been a lot of life lived in the last 200 issues of Inside SCV Magazine. Is it weird to live one month at a time? It's kinda what we do! Every month, we start anew with the beginning of a fresh issue.
We. Did. It. I know so many of you will relate to what I have to say about being on the other side of that statement - this is for you, too. But if you're a student, educator or parent, I mean this doubly for you!
Many people miss the world-class events put on by the city each year. Are any of those events making a return this summer?
Awards, Adopted Grads, Olympiads & More!
The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley is hosting its 49th annual benefit auction - "Bubbles & Bids" - and we can't wait for this premier charitable event!
Santa Clarita Transit is now offering an easy and efficient way to get around town and visit our local shops and restaurants.
Community members share news that makes them smile!
Complete the Incredible Chase in Santa Clarita Virtual & Socially-distanced Team Competition to Challenge Residents in May
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
A little spring cleaning can help build support systems for locals in need!
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
We'll be honest - it's hard to get behind this one. "Spring forward" is equivalent to a curse word in our households but this year, we're trying to see the bright side of things. (Literally. Because that's the point of this outdated idea.). Whether we like it or not, we're rolling those clocks an hour ahead on March 14. "We're not losing an hour of sleep, we're gaining an hour of sunlight!" is 2021's spoon-full-of-sugar take on the date. Here's how we're going to spend those bonus rays.
A few weeks ago, the social-media post went semi-viral, even though the subjects of the photo were non-descript brown cardboard boxes in the back of a car.
I read a book to my kids called, "How Full is Your Bucket?"
I already know the answer, Santa Clarita, but I'll ask anyway... How full is your bucket?
Last year was difficult for so many of us in so many different ways. For our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, I would encourage residents to focus on what they can do versus everything they cannot do...
There's no way to adequately surmise what the loss of Rob McFerren means to our community and especially the people who treasured him the most ...