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We'll be honest - it's hard to get behind this one. "Spring forward" is equivalent to a curse word in our households but this year, we're trying to see the bright side of things. (Literally. Because that's the point of this outdated idea.). Whether we like it or not, we're rolling those clocks an hour ahead on March 14. "We're not losing an hour of sleep, we're gaining an hour of sunlight!" is 2021's spoon-full-of-sugar take on the date. Here's how we're going to spend those bonus rays.
A few weeks ago, the social-media post went semi-viral, even though the subjects of the photo were non-descript brown cardboard boxes in the back of a car.
I read a book to my kids called, "How Full is Your Bucket?"
I already know the answer, Santa Clarita, but I'll ask anyway... How full is your bucket?
Last year was difficult for so many of us in so many different ways. For our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, I would encourage residents to focus on what they can do versus everything they cannot do...
There's no way to adequately surmise what the loss of Rob McFerren means to our community and especially the people who treasured him the most ...
Since 1992, 35,163 Santa Clarita students in need have received new clothing, shoes and other necessities - at a cost of $3,200,000! - thanks to Assistance League's Operation School Bell program.
"This has certainly been an extraordinary year," says Denise Tomey Redmond, executive director of Carousel Ranch. "When things started closing down last March, none of us could have imagined that we would be where we are now."
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
Open your pantries, your hearts, your wallets - because there's a lot of need out there, Santa Clarita. Here's how to help.
Help our local Boys & Girls Club keep tradition alive and join them in creating an exciting and safe Festival of Trees holiday event!
Help our Neighbors Build a Bridge to Home this Holiday Season
Supporting others and caring for those in need are ideals that are built into the foundation of our city. I am always touched by how many residents step up to support our many local non-profits by volunteering their time and talents and also donating much-needed funds.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected so many local families and businesses - and that's why ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING is giving away exterior painting services to a deserving family with their Paint-It-Forward COVID-19 giveaway.
Looking for something altruistic to do as a family, couple or solo? Something that's an investment in your community - and your own health, too? Then check out the 2020 Neighborhood Cleanup & Online Environmental Expo! Taking the place of the City's annual River Rally, which draws hundreds of volunteers together, this feel-good event allows residents the opportunity to clean up and care for their neighborhood while enjoying a little outdoor time in a safe and positive way.
As we've seen with most events in 2020, the State of the City luncheon is also going virtual. Although we will miss being together in one room, this new format allows for all members of our community to take part, not just the 400 or so who can fit into the room at the Hyatt. The theme this year is "Staying Connected...Staying Resilient."
In honor of our 15th anniversary, we took to social media to invite our readers to share their 2020 celebrations - and we were overwhelmed by the response. In a year marked by struggle, so many of you found reasons to smile. Thank you for letting us share in your joy! Here's to celebrating the best of 2020!
Register Today for the City of Santa Clarita 2020 Neighborhood Cleanup & Online Environmental Expo
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
Yeah, I forgot our anniversary.
Come on, you know you've done it, too.
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
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