When I heard my friend Mike McGrath died, it took my breath away. I'm not sure why it was such a surprise. He was 83 (the same age as my mom when she died) and the last time I saw him, he was starting to slow down a bit.
In addition to their regular studies, extracurriculars and college prep, our graduating class also learned to persevere through wildfires, evacuations, a devastating campus shooting and a global pandemic that changed the entire educational system on a dime. After a year when our students overcame more than ever, they deserve a celebration commensurate of their strength, courage and achievements. That's exactly why Inside SCV Magazine wanted to do something extra special for the Class of 2020.
In 2007, I was honored to be named Santa Clarita's "Woman of the Year." It feels like a lifetime ago - because it was. Kyle and I have since weathered numerous storms, including losing his brother, Keith; thriving through an autism diagnosis for our son; and, well, life.
The results are in: 54 percent of Boys & Girls Club alumni say the club saved their life. The Boys & Club of Santa Clarita Valley has always been a place where kids could just be kids. Whether they're shooting hoops with friends or learning a new skill from a mentor-turned-hero, the club has always been the safe space they can count on when things get tough. But the recent pandemic has had a huge impact on the club and the families we serve.
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
I am honored to join in the celebration of your success, and recognize the effort, sacrifice, resilience and commitment you invested to make your graduation possible.
All of us are eager to go back to our favorite local businesses, reunite with friends and family, and return to some sense of normalcy. I'm committed to equip Los Angeles County with the tools we need to reach these goals. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health approved an initial step to ease Safer at Home orders for businesses and public spaces as of May 8. We're excited to have reopened trails and golf courses and allow car dealerships, florists, and stores that sell toys, books, clothing, sporting goods, and music to offer curbside pickup.
Nothing like a pandemic to make you realize that you are now considered "compromised." When did I become the old gal? One week I am at a rock concert in Vegas and within the next couple of days I am asked to stay indoors.
In the midst of so much uncertainty, I find incredible comfort in the surefire steadiness of our community.
Santa Clarita has always been a strong and united city and we will continue to be proud and resilient.
Naturally, as a Santa Clarita resident, you're probably sitting there wondering, "I'm doing my part by staying home, but how can I support my friends and neighbors on the front lines?" It's the Santa Clarita way to lead with your heart and constantly search for ways to help others. Well, you can stop the search because the City of Santa Clarita has a project for you.
It didn't require a crisis to prove that the Santa Clarita Valley is incredible, but in the face of COVID-19, our Los Angeles County communities have outdone themselves in showing compassion and teamwork. I am so impressed by all the community members who have reached out to ask how they can lend a hand, and by our government and private sector partners who have sprung into action to help.
No '80s hair-band chorus could better surmise how I've felt during this time in history. I am confident that we're going to get through this, with great thanks to God and each other - but we're not quite there yet.
The 54th-annual premier volunteer recognition event - the 2020 Santa Clarita Valley Man & Woman of the Year dinner.
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin on Old Town renovations, the Cowboy Festival & More!
Hey teens - it's time to apply to be a Camp Clarita staffer!
Mark your calendars for April 4 - because you won't want to miss the 8th Annual Sierra Pelona Valley AVA Wine Festival at Reyes Winery.
Carousel Ranch's "Carousel Wishes & Valentine Kisses" Campaign Needs your Support
Q & A with Santa Clarita City Manager Ken Striplin
Gary Earl Condie passed away peacefully at home on January 1, 2020, his 76th Birthday, surrounded by family.