That's Good News Santa Clarita
April, 2021 - Issue #198

Leandra is #FinallyAFriedman
Joshua and Leandra Friedman have been together since they were 19 - but they "made it official" during the pandemic, despite their busy schedules as first responders.

Knot, Tied!
Kevin and Courtney Schmitz blissfully said "I do" in Oxnard.

Step-Up Family Fun
Christina "Chase" LaGrasta and Ryan Curry exchanged vows in the snow-capped mountains of Lake Tahoe, and are enjoying quality time with their son, Conner, and rescued pup, Whiskey.

SCV Graduating Tweens & Teens get "Adopted" by Community
Social media win! Santa-Clarita-based Facebook groups "Adopt a SCV 2021 Promoting 6th or 8th Grader" and "Adopt a 2021 High School Senior in the Santa Clarita Valley," both founded by local Lisa Bray, have become digital hotspots for do-gooding!
The concept is simple: Parents post a pic and a few details about their graduating kiddo and then the community hops to helping them celebrate their unique graduation circumstances.

"In the midst of a tough year where her life was turned upside down, Emily entered her final semester of elementary school and pushed hard to meet her goals. Her community came through with a WONDERFUL IDEA to adopt a graduating student to recognize their hard work and achievements. Mary Jane Spangenberg and her daughter Rylee graciously volunteered to 'adopt' Emily and have been showering her with all of her favorite things. They have gone above and beyond to make her feel so special!"
Cristen Farrell

Getting a Jump on Back to School
Hannah Short headed back to Rio Vista Elementary, where her mother Rebecca graduated in 1994, after a year of online education.

They Float their Boat
The Tunney family has taken on a new hobby: water sports! Outfitted with inflatable kayaks and stand-up paddle boards, the family of five is pictured here making a splash at Castaic Lake.

"I've always been a dog person, but there was a short period of time between dogs that I decided I needed a different kind of companion. I started researching goats. My husband was a little hesitant, but we visited goat farms, I read goat blogs and we reconfigured a portion of our yard for a goat pen, small barn and exercise yard. Hazel Nut and Bleu Cheese are a GREAT ADDITION TO OUR FAMILY. Grandkids love them, neighbors stop by to see them and we sit out in the evening to watch them while they wander around the yard eating rose bushes and dried leaves and play head-butting games. There is never a time they don't make me smile and, right now, we all need something to smile about."

Patti Rasmussen

Send us your Reasons to Smile in SCV
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