That's Good News, Santa Clarita!
May, 2021 - Issue #199

Violette Sawyer Earns Daisy Journey Summit Award Pin During
Stay-at-home Order

The Summit Award Pin is earned by girls who have completed three National Leadership Journeys at their level. This award is the highest award a Girl Scout Daisy can earn - Violette is very proud of her achievement!

Honors Student Bella Hernandez Lights Up Quarantine with Candle Biz
Anabella "Bella" Hernandez is a Saugus senior who's maintained an above-4.0 GPA while volunteering, serving in school clubs and... starting a candle business during the pandemic! Her brand, Sincerely Eunoia, can be experienced on Instagram.

Canyons Aquatic Club Sends Two Swimmers to Olympic Trials
Iza Adame, a Valencia High School senior, qualified for the Olympic Trials in the 100-meter breaststroke and Kyle Brill, a Hart High School senior, qualified for the Olympic Trials cut in the 100-meter backstroke! Canyons Aquatic Club has been sending swimmers to the Olympic Trials for years, including Abbey Weitzeil, who won a gold medal in the 4 x 100-meter medley relay and a silver medal in the 4 x 100-meter freestyle relay at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Iza and Kyle are keeping Canyons Aquatic Club's tradition this year at Olympic Trials in Omaha!

Adopt an SCV Grad!
There's still time to "adopt" a high school senior or promoting sixth or eighth grader! Join one or both of these Facebook groups: "Adopt a 2021 High School Senior in the Santa Clarita Valley" and "Adopt a SCV 2021 promoting 6th or 8th grader."

"My son Dylan, an eighth grader, was 'adopted' by another local mom
who has surprised him with his favorite chocolates, special candies from Japan and a
t-shirt that truly encompasses his passions: Eat/Sleep/Anime! All these little treats
have been a BIG BRIGHT SPOT in a year marked by quarantine and missed milestones, like graduation. Dylan has a big heart and always does the right thing.
I love how the community is coming together to support our children."

Melinda Van Deventer

Have You Reserved your Grad Ad?
With special pricing and free art creation, there's no reason to hesitate - reserve your Grad Ad now! Your grad will also be included in our 2021 commemorative feature story. It's the perfect surprise for your graduating elementary, middle or high schooler - or college grad. Or honor BFFs, clubs, teams and more! Call Jeanna for details.
Inside SCV Magazine 298-4586

Send Us your Reasons to Smile SCV
Would you like us to consider your "Good News" for print? E-mail with up to 100 words in your announcement, plus up to three high-resolution images.
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