This Month, Why don't You...
Celebrate Daylight Saving Time?
March, 2021 - Issue #197
courtesy of shutterstock
courtesy of shutterstock

We'll be honest - it's hard to get behind this one. "Spring forward" is equivalent to a curse word in our households but this year, we're trying to see the bright side of things. (Literally. Because that's the point of this outdated idea.). Whether we like it or not, we're rolling those clocks an hour ahead on March 14. "We're not losing an hour of sleep, we're gaining an hour of sunlight!" is 2021's spoon-full-of-sugar take on the date. Here's how we're going to spend those bonus rays.

A Day at the Lake
When you think "lake" and "Santa Clarita," your brain might swing to Bridgeport before Castaic, but the latter is actually much more recreation friendly. While the swim area is closed, you can still hike, bike and boat on both the upper and lower lakes. Snag an inflatable kayak on Amazon for less than you used to spend on gas in a week and enjoy a socially-distanced day on the water. Check the website for rules, operating hours and more.

Visit the Farmers Market in Old Town Newhall
Located at the corner of Lyons Avenue and Railroad Avenue in the Newhall Library Parking Lot in Old Town Newhall, the Market runs from 8:30am to 1pm weekly on Saturdays. This cozy collection of fresh flowers, handcrafted foods and produce is easy to shop and a pleasure for the senses. Be sure to bring your face covering - there are strict social distancing and mask policies in place.

Explore Vasquez Rocks
There's really no better time to explore the re-opened trails at Vasquez Rocks. During the summer, the alien-esque landscape can reach downright scorching temperatures - and in the winter, chilly winds are brisk at best. Spring is the perfect opportunity to wander and explore. Even if all you do is drive through and around the prehistoric rock formations, it makes for a good day in the sun.
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