Boys & Girls Club's Festival of Trees
Lights Up Santa Clarita
November, 2005 - Issue #13
photo by Barbara C. Morris
photo by Barbara C. Morris
'Twas the month before Christmas and all through the city, talk of trees buzzed about: "Oh, how pretty!"

The Boys and Girls Club of the SCV will, for the third time, host their annual Festival of Trees (poor twists on classic holiday poems not included) on November 18 through November 20.

In what has quickly become an annual family/friends/couples must-attend event, Festival is sticking with what works. Again, over 100 fantastically-decorated holiday trees will grace the interior of a warehouse on Centre Pointe Parkway. Once more, an affordable boutique (great deals were scored on handmade pottery pieces last year) that's sure to sell out will be open to guests, along with the well-received gingerbread house showcase, kids crafts and activities, table-top-tree spread and wreath display (what's cool: the gingerbread houses, wreaths and table-top-trees are all for sale). Community entertainment, featuring local singers and even some B & G alums, will be there with bells on (in some cases, literally) to add to the holiday mood.

On Saturday, November 19, the Magic of the Lights VIP Party will be held at the event's location. Billed as the perfect opportunity to enjoy the sights in low lighting (hence "Magic of the Lights"), cocktail-dressed guests will nosh on food and adult beverages while bidding on the event's main attraction: the 6-foot to 9-foot professionally decorated trees that, in years past, have been accompanied by luxury furniture, trips, and more. Tickets to the Magic of the Lights are $50 and can be purchased by calling 254-2582.

Fancy VIP evenings aside, Festival is an event truly created for the masses. Literally thousands of people (10,000 last year alone) have walked through the doors over the last two years, largely because Festival is noticeably affordable, even for large families and folks on a fixed income. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for kids (up to 14 years of age) and free for little ones 3 years of age and younger. There's even a "$1 Off" coupon that will run in the next issue of Inside SCV Magazine that helps bring the cost even lower.

photo by Patty Douglas
photo by Patty Douglas
"We are so excited about continuing the grand tradition of Festival, while incorporating more magical surprises," says strategically ambiguous FOT event co-chair Jeanna Crawford. "Festival is for everyone and anyone, from kids to seniors to couples, who want to celebrate what the holidays are really about: togetherness and good cheer," she continues.

Because of the enormity of the event, community volunteers are needed to help keep Festival running smoothly. "Whether someone can donate a few days or a few hours of their time," says co-chair Wayne Crawford, "we'd be grateful. Festival volunteers always have a great experience, whether they're taking tickets at the door, working in the boutique or running a kids' craft area. And of course it's a nice way to give back during the holidays."

Your stroll down Festival Lane can be had on Friday, November 18 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, November 19 and 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets for Festival can be purchased at the door. The Magic of the Lights VIP Party will be held on Saturday, November 19, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Festival of Trees will be held at 21119 Centre Pointe Parkway in Saugus.
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