Center of Attention
Dear Santa; The Season of Giving
January, 2008 - Issue #39
While you're out shopping for last-minute gifts, won't you consider picking up a little something (like a can of soup, or a fax machine!) for Santa Clarita's non-profits that do so much for our community?

Organizations Serving Children & Families

Santa Clarita Valley Family YMCA
The Santa Clarita Valley Family YMCA puts Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
Wishes: new white hand towels; microwave; kids' art supplies. Jane Kim, 253-3593

Empowers teenagers with the information they need to make a good, healthy decision about their sexual lifestyle by encouraging abstinence.
Wishes: 19-inch flat screen monitor; replacement projector light bulbs; 12-inch laptop; b/w and color laser printer (light duty); copier; 12-inch heavy duty paper trimmer; literature sorter; metal storage cabinet; bookkeeper; grant writer; clerical help. Judy Belty 251-3733

Girl Scouts-Joshua Tree Council, Santa Clarita Valley Region
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.
Wishes: 40 pairs of children's cutting scissors; beads; fax machine; 30 chairs; Girl Scout alumni; volunteer proficient in media production; donations to help fund the outreach program for under-served girls. Gail Davis 287-1985

The Foundation for Children's Dental Health
Dedicated to providing free dental care, emergency services and oral hygiene education to children of low income families in the SCV.
Wishes: volunteers with website experience; volunteers for oral hygiene education program; dentists who can volunteer or donate services; two-drawer lateral filing cabinet; small office space. Ericka Watson 296-8515

Santa Clarita Valley Scholarship Foundation
Since 1951, the SCVSF has administered scholarships created by local sponsors to promote continuing education among graduating seniors of the William S. Hart School District.
Wishes: donors and volunteers to help students continue their education in trade schools, community colleges or universities. Judy Riley 254-0853

Young Life
Faith-based relational outreach to teenagers.
Wishes: volunteers for media relations, fundraising, differently-abled ministry, teen-mother ministry; color copier machine. Dave Wilson 257-6723

Organizations Providing Cancer Support

Michael Hoefflin Foundation for Children's Cancer
MHF provides financial and emotional support to children and their families struggling with cancer in the Santa Clarita and surrounding valleys.
Wishes: $25 gift cards for groceries or gas; 60-minute calling cards; disposable cameras; colored paper; colored card stock; cases of water; games/toys (travel size); blankets (approximately 4-feet by 4-feet, quilted or fleece). Gillian Stone 250-4100

Circle of Hope, Inc.
To financially and emotionally assist uninsured and underinsured individuals with breast cancer who live, work or receive treatment in the Santa Clarita Valley.
Wishes: volunteer with graphic skills; volunteer grant writer. Colleen Shaffer

weSPARK Cancer Support Center
A special place dedicated to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients and their families and friends.
Wishes: high-speed color copier; new building; volunteers to help with front desk; upgraded air conditioning unit; tall silk plants; coffee pot; art work for decor; desk chair; vacuum cleaner. Lori Crawford 288-2322

Organizations Primarily Serving Women

Zonta Club of the Santa Clarita Valley
Improving women's lives through service, advocacy and awareness.
Wishes: Zonta's annual Golf Tournament is scheduled May 19 at Robinson Ranch Golf Course. The club is looking for golf tournament sponsors; high-end gift items for up to 100 golfer goody bags; gift certificates/merchandise for raffle prizes. JoAnn Rodriguez 252-9351

SCV Pregnancy Center
The SCV Pregnancy Center exists to empower women and men regarding pregnancy related decisions through education, information and practical assistance.
Wishes: financial contributions to fund free services including pregnancy tests, pregnancy education and information, programs for teen parents. Megan Rhoads 255-0082

Betty Ferguson Foundation
To train, develop and empower women and youth to be a vital force in society.
Wishes: four-line portable telephone system; computer monitor, keyboard and tower; paint and painter for 900-square foot room. Jane Bettencourt-Soto 702-8712

Organizations Providing Food & Shelter

Santa Clarita Emergency Winter Shelter
EWS provides shelter, food, clothing, medical and mental services as well as other assistance and referrals.
Wishes: 35-gallon trash bags; bathing towels; bottled water (1 to 2.5 gallon jugs); deodorant; bar soap; shampoo; disinfectant spray; monetary donations to support operation of the shelter's daytime case management program. Tim A. Davis 618-2978

Hunger Defense Fund
Wishes: weekday volunteers (drivers, receptionist, warehouse workers to process incoming donations); Spanish speaking volunteers; commercial freezer; small, used, refrigerated truck/van; plastic grocery (t-shirt) bags; food donations. Wendi Lancy 299-9273

The Church of Hope
The Church of Hope operates the only full-time food pantry in the Santa Clarita Valley.
Wishes: canned goods; tuna; pasta sauce; beans; canned fruit; peanut butter; all foodstuffs. Pastor George McLeary 298-3890

Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry
To alleviate hunger throughout the Santa Clarita Valley, because no child should go to bed hungry.
Wishes: donations; laptop computer; truck with box storage unit and lift gate; plastic/paper grocery bags; storage space; volunteers with accounting, website, office, coordinating; distribution, handywork skills; drivers. Belinda Crawford 255-9078

Organizations Supporting Local Art, Culture & History

Repertory East Playhouse
Santa Clarita's premier live theatre venue dedicated to producing plays that excite the imagination and nourish the community's passion for theatre.
Wishes: photo copier; large format printer; stamps; flat screen monitors; steam cleaner; DVD player; gift certificates for office supplies. Ovington Michael Owston 288-0000

Santa Clarita Valley Film Festival
Hands-on filmmaking workshops for youth at the SCV Film Center.
Wishes: laptops; digital camcorders; lighting equipment; DVDs of children films; volunteers with event coordination experience, film experience or teaching experience. Ramon Hamilton 251-0274

William S. Hart Museum
To inspire wonder, discovery and responsibility for our natural and cultural worlds.
Wishes: volunteers to lead public tours, facilitate the Friends of Hart Gift Store, and assist museum staff with educational outreach program. Ayesha Saletore

Martial Arts History Museum
To educate children and visitors about Asian history and develop and understanding of cultural diversity.
Wishes: large screen TV for Children's Theatre; 10 mannequins. Michael Matsuda 255-3322

The Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society
To stimulate public interest in the history of the Santa Clarita Valley, to collect and preserve facts and artifacts pertinent to the area, and to inform the public.
Wishes: a sewer line; volunteers to perform housekeeping, re-mud adobe, gardening, painting, carpentry, plumbing, electrical; volunteer tour guides. Pat Saletore

Organizations Supporting the Environment

Community Hiking Club
To protect and restore wild places and wild rivers in the Santa Clarita and Antelope Valley, the San Gabriel Mountains, and the Eastern Sierra.
Wishes: volunteers for trail work, stewardship projects (trash clean ups and Tamarisk Pulls) and hike leaders; tools for trail work, fax machine; cordless phone and cell phone for trail emergencies. Dianne Erskine-Hellrigel 259-2743

Friends of the River (California Wild Heritage)
Public education, citizen activist training/organizing, and expert advocacy to influence public policy decisions on land, water and energy management issues.
Wishes: volunteers to collect signatures, attend tabling events. Carolin Atchison 607-8033

Other Support Organizations

LARC Ranch
Providing residential and day program services to developmentally disabled adults for over 47 years.
Wishes: donations to rebuild swimming pool house/area that was lost in the fire; fire-resistant plants; jute for shoring up hills; satellite phone; diesel generator. Kathleen Sturkey 296-8636

Santa Clarita Autism Asperger Network (SCAAN)
SCAAN's mission is to help the many SCV families who have a loved one with autism or Asperger Syndrome.
Wish: a volunteer with graphic arts experience to help design and print the 2008 brochure. Victoria Berrey 297-8381

Volunteer Resource Center of SCV
Helps community help itself through volunteer matching network supporting other nonprofit organizations with volunteers and capacity-building education.
Wishes: online volunteer registrants; volunteer ambassadors; invitations to speak to local organizations about local volunteering. Sharalyn Hamilton 250-3720

Domestic Violence Center of Santa Clarita Valley
To promote and preserve non-abusive, non-violent family systems.
Wishes: gift cards for food, gas and other necessities to distribute to clients, so they can provide for the needs of their families. 259-8175

Partners in Care Foundation's Santa Clarita Adult Day Health Care Center
Provides multi-disciplinary health, social and recreational services to physically or cognitively impaired adults to maximize independence.
Wishes: full-size washer/dryer; large pots, pans, cookie sheets, utensils; portable dishwasher; items for seniors (slippers, socks, gloves, hand lotion, toiletry items, a nice pen and stationery including stamps, electric blankets). Ginny Smutzler
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