Circle of Hope's Walking for Hope - 2006
Center of Attention
March, 2006 - Issue #17
Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be the scariest experience of one's life; it shouldn't be the loneliest as well.

Circle of Hope, a nonprofit organization dedicated to financially assisting individuals with breast cancer who either work or live in the Santa Clarita Valley, also provides a much-needed social outlet for both survivors and those still undergoing treatment for the disease.

Besides meeting monthly for friendship and support, the organization frequently invites guest speakers to their events. Recently, the group has witnessed a Pink Ribbon Pilates demonstration, had counselors in to discuss coping methods, and more.

The goal is to provide a multitude of opportunities for both women and men touched by breast cancer to improve their physical, and mental, health.

The organization, now getting ready for its second annual Walking for Hope fundraiser, has seen the need for assistance increase, making this event all that more important.

The money raised is used to provide medical assistance to the un- or under-insured. "We most often find ourselves assisting the working poor," says a spokesperson for the event. "Co-pays, premiums, prescriptions - these are difficult to pay for while simultaneously battling breast cancer."

Last year, Walking for Hope drew 250 dedicated participants; this year, the Circle of Hope rep hopes to see that number go up.

There's no reason why it can't. With a fun, non-competitive atmosphere, combined with the lovely scenery of Castaic Lake, the five-kilometer walk is sure to be a pleasant one. Throw in a low registration fee (more on that below) and some pro-charity pups (ditto) and you have yourself a perfect way to spend Sunday, April 2, 2006. Oh, and did I mention that News Anchor Rick Chambers of CBS2 and KCAL9, always a big supporter of SCV nonprofits, is the master of ceremonies?

Someone will even have a chance to walk themselves all the way to Morro Bay. For each $250 raised in pledge donations, participants will receive a raffle ticket that could win them a beautiful weekend away.


Participants registered by March 10, 2006 pay only $25 ($15 for kids 13 and under); teams of five or more pay just $20 per person before March 10, 2006; and your favorite dog can also pre-register before March 10, 2006 for a low $5, as long as he's on a leash. All pre-registrants will receive a tee-shirt for their early-bird do-gooderness, and as for Bruiser, he'll be rewarded with a bandana for his troubles.

Registration is raised to $35 per participant after March 10, 2006; no tee-shirt is included in this registration fee.

On the day of the event, registration begins at 8 a.m., with the walk starting at promptly 9:30 a.m., rain or shine.

For more information, call 254-5218 or visit
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