Great Finds - Wonderful Lives Productions Documents Family Histories
November, 2006 - Issue #25
Every life is its own incredible story.

Those words form the motto of veteran entertainment industry producer Brad Sevy's latest project known as Wonderful Lives Productions.

But those words are more than a motto. They are, in a sense, the reason behind what Sevy does. They have become the recipe for the magic he creates.

The ingredients, on the other hand, are regular folks like you.

Through Wonderful Lives Productions, Sevy is pursuing a mission to capture the extraordinary lives of ordinary people on camera and then preserve them on DVD for generations to enjoy. Give him a willing subject (someone you love or perhaps even yourself), as many photos and as much film and video footage as you believe is important, along with a few hours of time in front of a camera, and he will deliver you the ultimate family portrait.

He'll give you a one-and-a-half to three-hour documentary that looks and feels as if it came straight from the History Channel.

Considering Sevy's background, it should.

"We have a professional crew," says Sevy, whose resume includes more than 150 episode hours of television (with credit) and at least another 100 episode hours without it. "Everybody I work with has extensive experience on Hollywood productions."

The result is a seamless production that tells the incredible stories that make up everybody's life.

What were you like growing up? Talk about your first job experience. When did you know your wife was the one for you? What things were important to you as a parent, a spouse, a friend?

Those are just some of the questions Sevy allows his subjects to answer as he unfolds their lives on the screen. He interviews family members and gathers any stock footage that may apply.

Did you serve on a ship in the war or come to America through Ellis Island? Sevy can find old footage to give that part of your tale the visuals to make it come alive.

"These stories are really captivating," Sevy says. "I carry them on my iPod to show people, and when I hit stop after a few minutes, they say, 'don't stop!' They want to watch the whole thing."

And those are just reactions from strangers. The response Sevy sees from his subjects and their loved ones is even more satisfying.

"Some people throw parties and have their friends over," Sevy says. "Sometimes their kids or grandkids take the DVD to school for show and tell. The DVDs are in chapters so if they just want to show the part where grandpa was in the war, for instance, they can."

Of course, the productions are about much more than life's "big moments." Oh, they'll capture the weddings and the birthdays, and they'll take viewers on that first day on the job or put them in the back seat for that monumental move to the West Coast.

But mostly, each production is about the little things that shape a person - and a family - over the span of time. What was he like as a child? How did she spend her spare time? What was his favorite ice cream and who was her best friend growing up? What subjects did he love in school?

In other words, what mattered to this person and how are those values reflected in every family member that has followed?

"This is your whole family history in one place," Sevy says. "I think every family should have something like this, even if they do it themselves. Families are always so glad they have it."

Sevy has been providing families with video biographies since 2005. He started with his own family.

"I wanted to do my dad, just to capture those precious pieces of family history," he says. "It just became a business from there."

Sevy's vision seems to have struck a chord. Since that first production, Wonderful Lives has produced DVD biographies for a steady stream of men and women, including a former president of IBM.

The cost of a production varies. It is as unique as the men and women whose stories he will capture. They start at $2,000 - about the cost of a photographer to shoot your wedding, if you have a friend in the business.

"People spend that much on vacation," Sevy says. "And the biographies last forever."

That is a comforting thought for Sevy's clients. Because while the stories, once captured, will not fade, memories, left un-captured, eventually do.


To learn more about Wonderful Lives, you can visit Sevy's website at
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