Holiday Treasures to Make and Give
December, 2005 - Issue #14
Not so long ago, Christmas cards didn't come in economy-size boxes and holiday sweaters were knitted, not purchased from the mall. Oh, how times have changed.

We know that you're too busy to create handmade gifts for everyone on your list, but there are still simple ways to incorporate old-fashioned values into the season.

The Holiday Cards

Probably the easiest way to spread homemade holiday joy is through the creation of your own greeting cards. Here's why they work so well: Cards can be made at your convenience - just keep your craft supplies together, and when you find a few spare minutes, complete a few more cards. They're also the perfect way to personalize your holiday sentiments.

Stores like The Crafters Connection (297-4005) and Creative Clutter (253-3256) offer classes on how to make cards using stamps or scrapbook materials.

Holiday Heirlooms

The art of needlepoint has been around for centuries and is still popular both for the beauty of the stitches, as well as the durability of the final product. While no needlepointer would suggest that their craft was speedy, many small projects are available. You can also easily learn different stitches, including open stitches, which make the process a whole lot faster.

Needlepoint classes, hand painted canvases, and a wide variety of fibers are available at Queen Anne Stitches (286-1248).

Wearable Art

So maybe you can't knit a sweater, but even the least crafty among us can make a scarf after a lesson or two. Simply Knitting (259-6864) has all the supplies, and know-how, to make the process painless.

Regardless of how you plan on incorporating handmade touches into the holidays, remember that a rushed project is no fun at all. Take your time and enjoy the process of creating mini-masterpieces for the ones you love.
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