The 2008 Nominees for Santa Clarita Valley Man & Woman of the Year. |
Have you ever wondered how one obtains a shiny license plate holder declaring that the possessor is a SCV Man or Woman of the Year? There are substantially hearty hoops (some lit on fire) that one must toss themselves through to qualify.
Volunteer goodness is the big indicator for either of the coveted titles, and this year has seen no shortage of dedicated givers. On Friday, May 2 at the Hyatt Valencia, the whole crew of nominees, along with their beloveds/friends/family/hangers-on, plus previous winners, nonprofit reps and community dignitaries, will come together to salute the altruistic folk. Last year's winners and this year's event chairs, Jeanna Crawford and Greg Nutter, will serve as hosts.
Nominees for Woman of the Year, and their Nominating Organizations, Include:
Mary Ann Colf
SCV Rotary Noon
Grace Elliott
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Santa Clarita #2379
Betty Rabin-Fung
Assistance League of SCV
Shelley Hann
Betty Ferguson Foundation
HMNMH Foundation
Janice Hoskinson
Child & Family Center Foundation
Kris Hough
The SCV Theatre Project
SCV Facilities Foundation
Marlee Lauffer
Jill Mellady
Michael Hoefflin Foundation
COC Foundation
Anna P. Ott
Boys & Girls Club of SCV Foundation
Judy Penman
Zonta Club of SCV
Circle of Hope
Heidi Webber
Placerita Nature Center Associates
Nominees for Man of the Year, and their Nominating Organizations, Include:
Greg Amsler
Harry Bell
SCV Rotary Noon
Kerry Carmody
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Wayne Crawford
Carousel Ranch
HMNMH Foundation
Jack Elliott
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Santa Clarita #2379
Bruce Fortine
Betty Ferguson Foundation
Carl Goldman
Zonta Club of SCV
The SCV Theatre Project
SCV Disaster Coalition
Providence Holy Cross Foundation
Bob Hudson
Samuel Dixon Family Health Centers, Inc.
John Mahaffey
The Boys & Girls Club
Steve Sturgeon
Child & Family Center Foundation
Jay Weiner
The Gentle Barn
Steve Zimmer
COC Foundation
Log onto www.scvmanandwomanoftheyear.org or call 298-4586 for more information. Sponsored by: Pramik Entertainment & Events, Celebrate - Planning for an Event to Remember, and Gary Choppe.