Movers and Shakers
May, 2009 - Issue #55
Myrna Condie
Myrna Condie
This job rarely rewards kindness, which is why I as a mom was simultaneously elated and depressed when I discovered that one of the sweetest women in the world, Myrna Condie, was named the 2009 California Mother of the Year.

George Lopez, Christian & Cameron Brooks
George Lopez, Christian & Cameron Brooks
In honor of her mothery goodness, my mockery will take a moment of silence. (Whew. This is h-a-r-d.)

Myrna travels to Portland to compete for the national title this month. We wish her the very best!

Back to the mocking. (Ed Masterson, where are you when I need you?)

Understatement alert: Seems that being the youngest owners of a famous kart-racing facility has its perks. Christian and Cameron Brooks of MB2 Raceway hob-nobbed with superstah (so not a typo - sound it out) George Lopez last month. George was on site celebrating his daughter's b-day with 30 of her closest friends.

Judy Cox, Dr. Alan Barbakow & Marjanne Priest
Judy Cox, Dr. Alan Barbakow & Marjanne Priest
From driving to drinking... (That's the safer order, you know.)

Michael Hause & Kris Hough
Michael Hause & Kris Hough
On April 4, the Betty Ferguson Foundation hosted their annual Vine 2 Wine fundraiser at Bridgeport. In fine tradition, the day consisted of sipping, noshing and bidding. Good cheer was the main course of the day for guests like Scott and Jennifer Thompson, owners of Regal Realty of California, and Dr. Alan Barbakow (pictured here with BFF founders Judy Cox and Marjanne Priest). Also in attendance were (obviously distracted by something more impressive than us - which means it could have been anything) Billie Hubbard and Susan Armstrong of La Via Bella.

Susan Armstrong & Billie Hubbard
Susan Armstrong & Billie Hubbard
Event chair Michael Hause and guest Kris Hough, both of SCVBank fame, had an additional reason to celebrate: SCVBank's 2008 fourth quarter and year-end financial results are in, and they managed to go against the national "financial institution" grain by operating profitably last year. Now that explains the five-star "Superior" rating by BauerFinancial, Inc...
Scott & Jennifer Thompson
Scott & Jennifer Thompson
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