 Don Fleming and Howard "Buck" McKeon |
It's not every day that you get to schmooze with high-ranking officials, unless, we suppose, you are
Don Fleming. In that case, it's par for the course (sorry, we just had to). Mr. Valencia Acura is seen here hamming it up with golf partner
Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon.
Mr. Fancy Pants (and here we are referring to Don... Seriously, check out his duds - a sharp dresser, that one) later wined and dined with it-man
William Petersen of "
CSI," who was the guest of
Valencia Acura at the
Celebrity Waiter Dinner. Unsurprisingly, guests at the Acura table, including, of course,
Cheri Fleming (who was deliciously serenaded by the never-aging if-she-wasn't-so-nice-we'd-hate-her
Ingrid Boydston) dressed as CSI cast members for the event.
 Doug and Melanie Sedam |
Did the whos-who of Santa Clarita suffer from a lack of quality Halloween costumes as children? We can think of no other excuse to justify the town's obvious love of everything costume party, as was exemplified most recently at the
Celebrity Waiter Dinner, benefiting the
Santa Clarita Committee on Aging. The event raised over $100,000, a new record for the popular shin-dig, and proof-positive that at least our town's elite, including happy couple
Doug and Melanie Sedam and Providence Holy Cross crowd
Julie Kuritzkes,
Dr. Richard Kuritzkes,
Kerry Carmody,
Brigette Loden,
Kristie Carmody,
Patty Rocco and
Mike Rocco, don't just give their pride away for nothin'.
Rumor has it that
Power Chrysler, Jeep Valencia,
GM Kevin Oliff will be leaving town for greener pastures sooner rather than later. KO, we like your style (both literally and figuratively) and hope you visit often - you will be missed.