Go outside. If you have a baby, take it with you. Pick up a rock. Participate in an uncomfortable "why I'm better than the other guy" conversation with the politician you find under said rock. Let them kiss the baby for good measure. Replace rock until next November.
 Bob Kellar, Wayne Crawford, Cameron Smyth & Kevin Malone |
 Howard "Buck" McKeon |
It seems that the politicos are out in full force. Case in point: the Boy Scouts' Leaders of Character dinner sponsored by
Total Financial Solutions. SCV council peeps like
Bob Kellar and
Cameron Smyth were there with "Last Boy Scout"
Wayne Crawford (He has his own tractor!) and honoree
Kevin "I've worked for the
Dodgers and
The Master's College and now I own a fancy car dealership with a hall of famer!"
Malone (somewhere, an over-achiever feels shame). Even
Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon was on hand to honor
Gary and
Myrna Condie,
Kevin and
Marylin Malone and
Larry and
Sue Mankin (sidebar: Who knew that chamber of commerce head honcho Larry was such a pot of lovey-dovey-mushy goodness for wife Sue? We are still blushing.).
 Andy Gallardo & Robin Williams |
Yes, this was the month of the Donkeys and the Elephants (Ha. Assuming you left the confines of the SCV. If not, then it was just the month of the Elephants, with a few Greens still p.o.'ed about toads thrown in for amusement and a couple of Donkeys who are allowed to write for
The Signal once in a while so that the Letters to the Editor column isn't only about how bad some neighborhood's sewer smells.). But we digress... Even famous actors who play politicians were out in force.
Kaiser Permanente dude
Andy Gallardo even scored this pic of him and
Robin Williams to prove it (Is it just us, or is this the unhappiest we've seen Robin Williams e-v-e-r? How is it that Gallardo managed to make one of the most jovial comics of our time downright traumatized? We're guessing that Andy started talking about how he competed in the triathlon despite his shoe filling with blood.). The two participated in a VIP relay team for the Challenged Athletes Foundation, held in San Diego.
And the politician gags just keep on coming. At Zonta's Celebrity Tribute (aka "roast") honoring
Carl and
Jeri Goldman,
Assemblyman Keith Richman spent some quality time with "I really REALLY want your job!" assemblyman-hopeful
Cameron Smyth. We can only hypothesize as to what their conversation entailed, but it probably went like this:
 Keith Richman & Cameron Smyth |
 Chris Fall, Sue & Larry Mankin |
Smyth: So, you know that I'm running for assembly, right?
Richman: Do I know you?
Smyth: Keith, we go way back. It's Cameron. You know, Councilman Cameron? So, are you going to vote for me?
Richman: Do you work here?
Smyth: I'm a shoe-in for your position, Keith! I'd love to have your support!
Richman: Oh, wait! I know you! Didn't you used to model for Aveda? Makes sense. You have great hair.
 Bob Hudson |
 Stephen Schwartz & Ron Abel |
 Tim & Chantell Borruel |
From politics to fashion... Does
Bob Hudson, seen here on
HMNMH's fashion show catwalk, seem a little
Bill Clinton to you? Check out the full head of silver hair and the "cat who caught the canary" grin. The admittedly debonair COO seemed to enjoy his time on stage with a brunette beauty (Although constant squeeze
Margo shouldn't be worried... professional models were part of the show.) and even cavalierly displayed a cigar during his moment in the limelight. If he starts playing a sax, it's time to worry. A more wholesome scene was caught on film when long-time sweeties
Harold and
Jacquie Petersen were spied smooching. How cute is that? Not coincidentally, the couple will be hosting the hospital's first
Have a Heart Sweetheart Gala on Valentine's Day 2007. Also taking to the stage were
Tim "Coach" Borruel, founder of
Legacy Academy and
Sunshine Childcare, seen here with debutante daughter
Allen Starczyk,
Kyle Smith,
Dr. Dell Goodrick and
Dr. Alan Barbakow were also found dressed to the nines, ready to escort many a lovely lass on stage.
 Allen Starczyk, Kyle Smith, Dr. Dell Goodrich & Dr. Alan Barbakow |
 Jacquie & Harold Petersen |
Looking at this picture of
Todd Ruthman,
Rami Madain,
Bryce Adcock and
Lexus of Valencia General Manager/Partner Bill McClendon makes us ponder this: Why are car dealers always so stinkin' happy? Oh, sure. They get to drive around in the newest releases, attend fancy parties that their businesses sponsor, are wined and dined by media outlets competing for advertising dollars and have dozens of employees whose only goal is to impress The Big Man/Woman. But does true happiness really come from a combination of steel and wheels? Well, um, yeah, assuming it's as cool as the
Lexus LS 430, which can park itself. In fact, if we could afford it (writers don't make much), we'd want to live in it. Actually, we'd have to live in it.
 Todd Ruthman, Rami Madain, Bryce Adcock & Bill McClendon |
 Kelly Bloomfield |
We really wanted to write something catty about how
Inside SCV Magazine Creative Director Kelly Bloomfield rigged the
Santa Clarita Photographers Association's third place award for best non-studio pic of sweet lil' daughter Haley, but she does the layout for the magazine and we know that she would have changed it before we went to print. Assuming that she even reads the stuff we write. The stuff that her paycheck is based on. The stuff that puts food in that little baby's mouth. Kelly, are you reading this? In other news,
Inside SCV Magazine is looking to hire a new creative director. Please fax your resume to...
We're sorry to inform you that our pitch entitled "An Evening with Jeanna and Therese" didn't get picked up by
The SCV Theatre Project. Instead, they went with some fancy-schmancy songwriter guy named
Stephen Schwartz, pictured here with the performance's musical director,
Ron Abel, at the post-show soiree at
The Tournament Players Club. He did the music for "
Wicked," "
Pippin," "
Godspell" and a bunch of other famous musicals and therefore deserved to have his own night, but it really makes you think, when will it be our turn to have a night? Note to other theatres: We'll settle for an afternoon, or even a matinee. We're flexible.