Yeah, there were plenty of photogenic people who attended the Boys & Girls Club's Festival of Trees this year, but the award for "best dressed" didn't go to any of them; it went to the stars of the fest: the trees. Still, since this column is called "Movers & Shakers," we figured that the tree closest to our theme was the Loose Goose/RSVP wine tree. See, after you partake in its grapey goodness, you'll be a'movin' and a'shakin'. Ha! Ha?
Here's another bad play on words for good measure. Did you know that Casey Kirkman and Jeff Kreitzman have started a "moving" business? Yup. Affordable Quality Moving & Storage is their latest brainchild. The two are pictured here at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital's Home Tour Gala.
Also at the gala were Valencia Acura's Don Fleming (aka "The Godfather") and Signal Publisher Richard Budman. We'll leave it up to you to determine which one of them gets to golf multiple times a week. Hint: This photo was not color corrected.
 Casey Kirkman, Elise Macias, Jeff & Griselda Kreitzman |
 Don Fleming & Richard Budman |
Remember when night life in Santa Clarita involved domestic beer and race car fumes? Oh, how times have changed. Jim Ventress of the Boys & Girls Club joined Roast House owner Mike Breuer and John Heys of Heys Plumbing for the restaurant's Cigar Night, which also acted as an unveiling for the hot spot's new patio.
 Jim Ventress, Mike Breuer & John Heys |
 Singles Night at Abbey Lane Cafe |
Abbey Lane also got in on the action. Over 130 local singles packed the Stevenson Ranch cafe as guests of Inside SCV Magazine's Singles Night. We are hoping that at least one love match made there will lead to marriage and eventually a sweet baby girl named Abbey. Just a suggestion...
"Passions" soap star Ryan McPartlin (he also played the love interest of Fran Dresher on "Living with Fran") and wife Danielle are expecting a little boy very soon. The couple is pictured here with Salt Creek's Greg Amsler and wife Chell. And in keeping in the same wholesome vein, we also overheard sisters Chantell and Desiree Borruel sweetly singing carols at their folks' home (it was featured on the Home Tour).
 Ryan & Danielle McPartlin and Chell & Greg Amsler |
 Chantell & Desiree Borruel |
Inside SCV Magazine would also like to extend our hopes for a happy relocation to Lisa, John and Trever Ahrens, who will move this month to Idaho. We'll miss you!