Movers and Shakers
June, 2007 - Issue #32

The sob-fest that was the Man & Woman of the Year Award Dinner disclosed two newly-crowned and shiny-license-plate-holdered volunteer extraordinaires: Inside SCV Magazine Publisher Jeanna Crawford and longtime king among men Greg Nutter.

Wayne & Jeanna Crawford
Wayne & Jeanna Crawford
Stephanie & Jill Mellady
Stephanie & Jill Mellady

Crawford, who credited her rise to the do-gooder calling in part to a voice coach who wooed her with gummy worms, used part of her speech to recite the lyrics from "The Greatest Love of All." When she tearfully shared that she "believed the children are the future; teach them well and let them lead the way," even Hyatt waitstaff started sniffling. Proud papa-in-law and fellow nominee Wayne Crawford, as well as Jeanna's family and friends, donned "Team Crawford" hats after the big win was announced. Not in attendance were Crawford's furry children, Sparky and Charlie, although we're told that they did join the rest of the crew in the dog house for keeping the knowledge of her award a secret. The pups are in good company; Lead Dog Kyle Crawford (code name: K-Putt) received a powerful punch from his wife after her name was announced that has affected his golf game.

Greg Nutter
Greg Nutter
Kyle "K-Putt" Crawford
Kyle "K-Putt" Crawford

In contrast, Nutter strategically strayed from citing '80s give-the-world-a-hug songs and instead kept his acceptance speech short and to the point. Always the gentleman, Nutter showed off his MOTY skills by regularly helping Crawford stow her ever-growing pile of dignitary goodies at the side of the stage.

Both winners were chosen from a well-qualified field of contenders, including multiple-nominee Jill Mellady, sweet-as-a-Christini-Martini Salt Creek Grille honcho Greg Amsler and 20 other uber-giving SCVians.

Dora Zavala, Larry & Sue Mankin, Kathy Keysor Smith and Bob Keller
Dora Zavala, Larry & Sue Mankin, Kathy Keysor Smith and Bob Keller
Pat Allen, Adele Macpherson, Barbara Sterns Cochran, Cheri Fleming & Connie Warden Roberts
Pat Allen, Adele Macpherson, Barbara Sterns Cochran, Cheri Fleming & Connie Warden Roberts

Rumors that Valencia Acura spokesdogs Scooter and Sparkplug had packed their Louis Vuitton luggage full of Meatie Bites, grooming products and headshots and then requested an MDX be used to shuttle them to an undisclosed location have been proved untrue. Still, that doesn't mean that Don and Cheri Fleming's pampered pooches are thrilled about little Speedbump, the couple's newest cuddly addition that was acquired during Taste of the Town's live auction.

Cheri Fleming & Speedbump
Cheri Fleming & Speedbump
Mark LeVang, Jennifer & Rudy Cardenas
Mark LeVang, Jennifer & Rudy Cardenas

The yummiest event of the year, which raises funds for Santa Clarita's Child & Family Center, drew over 1,500 guests, 45 restaurants, caterers and wineries, and one American Idol finalist (Rudy Cardenas), who strutted his stuff on stage with the band M Pulse, pictured here with Mark LeVang of Citron Spa). Also in attendance was Martha Shickley, owner of the Dream Dinners in Valencia. The unique concept company provides do-it-yourself meal assembly using high-quality ingredients and delish recipes.

Martha Shickley & Dream Dinners Staff
Martha Shickley & Dream Dinners Staff
Jolee Moffet & Kurt Maiershofer
Jolee Moffet & Kurt Maiershofer

But the best part of the day may have been inedible. In a hard-to-digest performance, Jolee Moffet and Kurt Maiershofer showed off their high school dancing skills by acting out everyone's favorite party moves, The Running Man (Moffet) and the Skinny Chicken (Maiershofer). Thank goodness Kim Cappi and her husband Ron were at the event; Ron is a chiropractor.
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