Movers and Shakers
March, 2008 - Issue #41
Wayne and Kyle Crawford
Wayne and Kyle Crawford

It was a busy month for Santa Clarita: We had a new park to gloat about; a philanthropist to mock; famous people to swoon over; and community show-offs to congratulate. The run down...

The Elks Roast of Wayne Crawford, benefiting the Samuel Dixon Family Health Centers, Inc, raised a whoppin' $65,000. Best moment: when Wayne and his "conscience," son Kyle Crawford dressed as the Concrete Cowboy himself, dished out a comical rebuttal to the likes of Ken Pulskamp, et al. Crawford told our city manager, who has fought the good fight against Cemex, that he looks forward to visiting his future home "conveniently located at the corner of Sand Pit Avenue and Aggregate Rock Lane." Ouch.

MB2 Raceway, Chris Brooks and Lisa Kudrow
MB2 Raceway, Chris Brooks and Lisa Kudrow
Seems that MB2 Raceway is getting more popular by the minute. Uber-hottie Eric Dane (McSteamy from "Grey's Anatomy") and Lisa Kudrow of "Friends" fame were just a few of the marquee names to stop by for a spin.

Early February found The San Fernando Valley Business Journal honoring So Cal's best business minds at their annual 40 Under 40 Awards Dinner. Jason Crawford of the City of Santa Clarita and Jeanna Crawford of InsideSCV Magazine were among the honorees. The Loose Goose, Mr. Peter Goossens, was also present, as his company sponsored a wine tasting at the event.

Lastly, Fair Oaks Ranch Park, Canyon Country's newest public park, was dedicated by a slew of public servants including John Wicker, L.A. County Department of Parks and Recreation chief deputy director; Mike McGee, Pardee Homes president and CEO; the Honorable Michael D. Antonovich, L.A. County supervisor; Dr. Robert Nolet, superintendent of the Sulphur Springs School District; Jim Bizzelle, Pardee Homes vice president; Marie Stump, principal of Fair Oaks Ranch Community School; and students from Fair Oaks Ranch Community School.
MB2 Raceway, Eric Dane
MB2 Raceway, Eric Dane
40 Under 40 Awards, Jason Crawford and Peter Goossens
40 Under 40 Awards, Jason Crawford and Peter Goossens
Opening of Fair Oaks Ranch Park
Opening of Fair Oaks Ranch Park

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