Need Paint? Local Company to Host Contest Benefiting a Group or Family in Need
November, 2006 - Issue #25
Is there someone in your life who could use a break, a good turn or a bit of relief?

How about a little color in their world - or perhaps some new color on their house?

If you do, grab a pen because you may be moments away from making a big difference in his or her life. You may be moments away from brightening someone's day, even as you brighten the color of his or her walls, window frames and moldings.

You might even receive a word or two of thanks from that person's neighbors.

Between now and November 17, A. Allbright Painting is participating in its second annual "$5,000 Painting Charity Giveaway."

The idea is simple. A. Allbright Painting wants to paint someone's house for free. With some help from the Santa Clarita Valley community, they want to take someone's home and turn it into something completely new.

Whose house? Where?

That depends on you.

They're taking nominations from people like you who may know of a family that needs a home paint job but can't afford to do it. Think of it as an extreme home makeover, only on a bit of a smaller scale.

Nominating someone you know is easy. First, think of someone with a need, then commit that person's story to paper. Include a photo or two (perhaps of the person, the family and certainly of the house in question) and go online. You can find the nomination webpage at Once you're on the site, the process takes about five minutes.

Don't worry, you don't have to know your way around a computer to submit a nomination. If you'd rather submit hardcopies, drop them in the mail to 27903 Smythe Drive, Valencia, 91355.

As for what kinds of stories A. Allbright is looking for, there are no boundaries. The only requirement is that the person or family you nominate has a need that the company can meet.

In other words, all Allbright is looking for is an opportunity to make a genuine difference.

They've done it before.

Last year's winner was Silvia Aguila, a resident of Acton. Aguila lost her husband, Carlos, to a stroke at age 40 last year, and she was left to raise two children on her own.

Upon reading Aguila's nomination, the employees at A. Allbright overwhelmingly chose her as their award recipient last November.

Two months later, more than 20 A. Allbright employees and their family members converged on Aguila's home and repainted the entire house - inside and out - in one day.

Today, one year later, A. Allbright is looking forward to another opportunity to remake someone's home. More than just that, actually. The company's employees want to remake someone's entire outlook on life.

You can help.

Tell A. Allbright about someone you know. What is their special story? What is their special need? In your own words, let the men and women who are a part of the A. Allbright family know what someone you know deserves a home facelift.

And remember, this giveaway is about more than just paint. It's about providing someone with that touch of good news when he or she needs it most.

It's about offering a gift without asking or expecting anything in return.

It's about performing one of those fabled random acts of kindness, just for the sake of making someone happy - for the sake of brightening a family's life.

Of course, there's nothing random about this particular act of kindness. It begins with a very non-random act - an act of nomination.

So who are you thinking of right now? What name springs to your mind?

Are you thinking of someone yet? Can you picture his or her face in your mind?


Now for the final question:

What are you waiting for?
- What is the sum of 9 + 6?
This is a required value
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