There's nothing like a good fashion show to inspire local divas to dust off their push-up bras, schedule hair extensions, snatch the credit card and gossip with friends - all in the name of charity. In March, the Soroptimists drew 260 dolled-up SCVians to "Fusion," a new twist in the nonprofit's annual show.
Forty representatives traveled to our state capitol. It was a formidable cross section of our Valley, a who's-who of Santa Clarita. Representatives from College of the Canyons, the Hart School Board, the Saugus Elementary School superintendent, our city manager, Newhall Land, the Boys & Girls Club, the Child & Family Center, Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce, Valley Industrial Association, Providence Holy Cross Hospital, and many local business owners participated.
Whether you're looking for unique ways to spend time with family and friends or the perfect chance to do a little something nice for those less fortunate, Santa Clarita organizations are ready to entertain you and move you to action.
They say that when it comes to selecting Santa Clarita's Man & Woman of the Year, it comes down to one thing: sweat. Yes, the sweat-factor, along with the proverbial blood and tears, plays a big role in who will walk away with the often-coveted title. While writing a big check doesn't exclude you from the running (those organizations do need hearty cash infusions!), the past men and women who've been bestowed with the honorable award are looking for folks that have expended more than a little elbow grease to make their home town, and the nonprofit organizations at the heart of their community, better for the effort.
Local restaurants, caterers and wine purveyors have joined to offer a wide variety of tantalizing fare at the 18th Annual Taste of the Town. On Sunday, May 7, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., guests will celebrate Child and Family Center's 30th birthday while sampling dishes representing the best of Santa Clarita.
Trade in the bouquet-and-brunch tradition on Mother's Day and try some of these fresh ideas to give that special mom some unique attention. Restaurants aren't the only venues open on Mother's Day!
Just as I imagined, the March Inside SCV Singles Night was another smashing success. I couldn't believe my eyes as I walked around All Corked Up to see the place packed with over 200 singles mingling! I had a blast and could tell that everyone did as well. I must say it was so enjoyable to be able to venture through the crowd and have an idea of what the turnout may be. The last event I only anticipated me and 40 other singles at best! Well... you know how that turned out!
This year's Day at the Races event, to be held on April 23, is all the more special, as it marks Carousel Ranch's first fundraising event to be held on their own property in Agua Dulce. For those who have not had a chance to visit the new ranch, this is a perfect opportunity to bring family and friends for a fun-filled event, featuring the excitement of horseracing along with the fun of a country fair.
Mr. Fancy Pants (and here we are referring to Don... Seriously, check out his duds - a sharp dresser, that one) later wined and dined with it-man William Petersen of "CSI," who was the guest of Valencia Acura at the Celebrity Waiter Dinner. Unsurprisingly, guests at the Acura table, including, of course, Cheri Fleming (who was deliciously serenaded by the never-aging if-she-wasn't-so-nice-we'd-hate-her Ingrid Boydston) dressed as CSI cast members for the event.
Now in its fifth year, the world's craziest dog show will again feature dozens of pups vying for the title of "Mutt of the Year," or, at least, an opportunity to kiss host Kim Basinger. New Leash on Life, the organization that calls the SCV home and the presenter of Nuts for Mutts, is a no-kill shelter that provides the community with more than puppies to love.
Enjoy a day on the greens while supporting your local hospital's emergency and trauma services. Chris Luechtefeld will serve as co-chair of the tournament along with Don Fleming, owner of Valencia Acura. Through his generosity and strong support of the hospital, Joe Caso of Frontier Toyota, is the long-time title sponsor of the tournament.
Santa Clarita Valley Realtor Frank Ball is a long way from his hometown of Houma, La. But the 175 students at his alma mater, Dularge Elementary School, have been on his mind lately. Hurricane Rita pounded the community of Houma, including Dularge Elementary and other local schools. Although students are back in class, they still lack a number of key learning resources. Chief among them: library books.
In today's world of computers, instant messaging, video games and reality television, arts and culture are almost a forgotten treasure. This month's Great Find, College of the Canyon's Center for the Performing Arts, is bringing the arts to the forefront with something to offer for all ages and interests.
Join the City of Santa Clarita this spring for the 13th annual Cowboy Festival, held April 26 to 30, at Santa Clarita's own working movie ranch, Melody Ranch, and locations throughout the Santa Clarita Valley. he 2006 Cowboy Festival will feature the best in Western entertainers in a venue that is second to none. The city will kick off the festival with the Cowboy Couture event on April 26 at 7 p.m. at the Canyon Theatre Guild Playhouse.

You never know how much something means to you until it's gone. As a long-time resident, I still mourn the loss of Friday night car races at Saugus Speedway (A quick sidebar for Newbies: The SCV used to be home to an actual race track, where the joys of figure-eights and demolition derbies drew teenage daters and families from miles around.). I can still remember the smell of the nachos dad always splurged on (salty fake cheese), the sound of the crowd after a big crash (a mixture of excitement and concern) and the way I felt on Friday morning, knowing that my favorite family outing was only hours away (incredible anticipation).

There are only juniors and seniors on this campus. Class sizes are smaller and students get personal attention from their teachers and counselors. They also have full use of a college library, computer lab, career center and gymnasium. Half of the classes are taken for high school credit. The other half... college credit, tuition free.
Now I no longer have to ask myself, "Am I the only single person living in the SCV?" I could not believe my eyes as I checked in singles for our first event at Wolf Creek. All told, around 200 singles stopped in for great food, brews and conversation.
They might as well be wearing superhero capes. Santa Clarita's most influential leaders have come together, on their own time and dime, to make sure area residents are taken care of in the event of a local disaster.
If a rough-and-tumble football coach can be the belle of the ball, then Canyon High School's Harry Welch is it. The Signal's Newsmaker Awards not only granted the pigskin guru with the title of Newsmaker of the Year, but his team of "Are they good enough to beat Hart?" gents also stole the title of Sports Team of the Year (and to answer that pressing hypothetical question, the answer is, "Yes, in the CIF championship game, in fact.").
Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be the scariest experience of one's life; it shouldn't be the loneliest as well. Circle of Hope, a nonprofit organization dedicated to financially assisting individuals with breast cancer who either work or live in the Santa Clarita Valley, also provides a much-needed social outlet for both survivors and those still undergoing treatment for the disease.