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Weekend Cowboys for Couples, Love and Wine, Embark on a Moonlight Hike, "All You Need is Love", Star Gazing at Vasquez Rocks, Horseback Riding at Sunset, Row on the Lake and The Magic of Night Skiing.

Visit for other fun in and out-of-town suggestions.
Have you often wondered, "Am I the only single person in the Santa Clarita Valley? Am I the only one in this city who has not yet found their soul mate?" I ask myself these questions all the time. I am a professional, 32-year-old, independent, fun gal looking for a long-term relationship. Although this sounds pretty simple, dating is not always an easy task when living in the SCV! Why is it so hard to meet other singles in this area?
Cheri Fleming and President George Bush now have one more thing in common: food is out to get them. No, a terrorizing pretzel wasn't the culprit with Fleming; her new arch nemesis is, drum roll please, the seemingly innocuous Brussels sprout.
Surrounded by onion fields and grazing cattle, a state-of-the-art hospital opened its doors for the first time 30 years ago in the growing Santa Clarita Valley. Today, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital continues to provide medical care for area residents of with 217 beds, trauma center, an expanding emergency department, impending cardiac cath lab, and updated imaging services.
Celebrity Waiters to Benefit Santa Clarita Committee on Aging, "CSI" Star William Petersen to Appear as Special Guest. All You Need is Love; REP's Night of Romance Boasts New Location.
With the new year come new resolutions, and while all of these pledges are made with the honest intention of being seen through, most will be broken before the first week has drawn itself out. One of the most common resolutions is to be smarter with finances, but the average American will fail in accomplishing this for a number of reasons (curse you New Year's day sales!). Luckily, Inside SCV stumbled along a business that will help you not only stick to these promises, but change the way you handle your finances long after 2006.
During the holidays, there are usually two facts of life that are at odds with each other. Fact 1: The kids are out of school for winter break. Fact 2: Because of holiday shopping, money's tight.
Guests at All Corked Up's fancy-schmancy wine tasting enjoyed more than a good bottle of Bollinger (or Gaja, Pio Cesare or Il Poggione). Besides schmoozing with a former Dodger ballplayer, Hall of Famer Eddie Murray, locals checked out the new goodies from Mercedes Benz of Valencia.
Want to meet new people with similar interests? Santa Clarita is full of literally hundreds of clubs and nonprofit organizations. Here's some new ones, plus an old favorite, worth looking into. Happy socializing!
So what is it for you? Start saving, lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, get organized... We've all said those famous words: "This year, I'm really going to (fill in your own broken resolution here)." If your resolution success has been spotty, you aren't alone. According to a recent study, 91 percent of those who make resolutions don't keep them.
A local resident and familiar face at Valencia Library, Jocelyne Badr is ecstatic about the publication of her first book, "Alter Idem." The tome has just been picked up by Levant distributors in Lebanon and is being showcased by one of the area's major bookstores.
A night of dinner, dancing and bottles of bubbly is what's on tap in Santa Clarita this New Year's Eve. Celebrations range from Valencia to Agua Dulce, and cork-popping prices vary according to how fine the food and how long the evening. Line up a sitter, because it's pretty much an adults-only night!
Not so long ago, Christmas cards didn't come in economy-size boxes and holiday sweaters were knitted, not purchased from the mall. Oh, how times have changed. We know that you're too busy to create handmade gifts for everyone on your list, but there are still simple ways to incorporate old-fashioned values into the season.
Check out Kevin Oliff's rockstar-inspired fashion statement. Always the multi-tasker, it seems that Kevin (or K-O, as we now like to call him) is prepped for both a day on the course and a quick jog. Oliff, the GM for Power Chrysler, Jeep Valencia, showed off his stylish side at the Crawford-Fleming Breast Cancer Awareness Tournament, which raised over $100,000 for our local hospital.
What if you couldn't afford to buy gifts for your kids this holiday? How would they feel? How would you feel? Yes, the holidays are about more than the gifts under the tree, but that's easy to say when you're financially secure enough to have at least a few presents planned for your kids. While on the outside, Santa Clarita may seem to be an affluent-enough town, there are hundreds of families in our community that must choose between paying for rent and paying for presents.
When you work at a local magazine, knowing about the coolest places and things in your town is, well, your job! The following restaurants, shopping, craft stores and more make up our Favorite Things in 2005.
In celebration of 25 years of inviting the community to tour spectacular Santa Clarita Valley homes professionally decorated for the holidays, the Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital Home Tour League will theme its Silver Anniversary Tour, held on December 3, "25 Years of Tradition."
Just as Soledad Canyon passes under the 14 Freeway at the east end of Canyon Country, you'll find the historical site of Lang Station. Not much more than a blip on the historical timeline of Santa Clarita to the average resident, it was here that Santa Clarita went from a secluded ranch settlement to the beginnings of the metropolis we all know today.
Holiday-time is about happy family gatherings. But what about families that have lost children? How do they find a reason to celebrate the season? The table is festively set. Candles softly glow. Brightly wrapped gifts lay waiting to be opened. Sumptuous aromas beckon from the kitchen. The family is gathered. Everyone is there - all except for those precious children that are missing. Car crashes, illness, accidents, murder, suicide, whatever the reason that took them away, they are forever gone.
I've seen miracles, lots of them, because I work with children who have cancer. When Manny was 6, his doctors did surgery to remove a cancerous brain tumor; he did well for a year and a half and then relapsed at the age of 8.
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