You can Double Wishes at Carousel Ranch in February
Sweet treats in moderation is generally a healthy policy, but when the holidays roll around, all bets are off. Here are three of our favorite ways to watch our kids get their sugar on during the holidays. It's the sweetest time of the year!
The holiday season is a compilation of millions of moments - make them magical! We're setting an intention to do more of what makes us smile for Holiday '22. Join us!
Jesus was the most astonishing child ever given to parents.
Mary, still a virgin, must have been amazed when the angel told her she would conceive. She must have been amazed when she wrapped that newborn and looked into the face of the God-man.
If we've learned anything over the last year, it's that our locally-owned and operated restaurants and speciality businesses know how to adapt... deliciously. And this season, as we book our holiday catering and plan our special events, we have a chance to say "thank you" to the people who worked so hard to keep us fed and happy. Eat inside SCV, Santa Clarita!
Soroptimists Honor Frontline Heroes & Make Dreams a Reality with Fashion Show
Halloween's back, Baby - and we're celebrating all month long.
Slowly, surely, our community's cultural offerings have eeked their way back onto calendars - though they never left our hearts.
Bras for a Cause will represent various countries in the world where "wanderlust" may take guests post Covid! Wanna do yoga in Bali? How about sip Lemoncello in Italy? Spy a tiger in Kenya? At time of print, only 20 individual tickets are remaining for purchase. Don't wait! Log on and secure yours now.
With Carousel Ranch's 25th-anniversary event just around the corner on August 28, there is still limited availability for Virtual Experience "Heart of the West at Home" tickets!
Host your own version of the Summer Olympics and other fun!
Dust off those cowboy boots, partner, because Carousel Ranch's Heart of the West is back in a new hybrid format - just in time for their 25th anniversary!
Just in time for their 25th annual anniversary event, Carousel Ranch's Heart of the West will be a celebration of this community's everlasting love and support for the beloved equestrian-therapy organization.
Fetch Cocktails Hosts Tournament in Support of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society on May 24
The Sand Canyon Resort will provide a high-quality, family-friendly experience enhanced by exceptional and personalized service. Its guests and visitors will also be happy to know that it will be doing its part for the environment by being as sustainable as possible.
Since the early stages of this project, our most important consideration was on how we could provide our guests the best experience when visiting the Sand Canyon Resort.
Enjoy a theater experience from your favorite place.
It has been almost four years since I envisioned the Sand Canyon Resort. Although I learned that the EIR process could take many years, I never imagined that it would be so challenging to convert a small portion of an existing golf course into a resort.
We'll be honest - it's hard to get behind this one. "Spring forward" is equivalent to a curse word in our households but this year, we're trying to see the bright side of things. (Literally. Because that's the point of this outdated idea.). Whether we like it or not, we're rolling those clocks an hour ahead on March 14. "We're not losing an hour of sleep, we're gaining an hour of sunlight!" is 2021's spoon-full-of-sugar take on the date. Here's how we're going to spend those bonus rays.
Remember those coupon books we gave our parents for the holidays? We're pretty sure some, like "I will Vacuum the Downstairs without You Asking" and "I'll be Nice to my Siblings for Free" never were redeemed, but the concept was solid. After all, the best gifts really are the ones from the heart. With that in mind, we give you our take on the 2020 Coupon Book.