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We'll be honest - it's hard to get behind this one. "Spring forward" is equivalent to a curse word in our households but this year, we're trying to see the bright side of things. (Literally. Because that's the point of this outdated idea.). Whether we like it or not, we're rolling those clocks an hour ahead on March 14. "We're not losing an hour of sleep, we're gaining an hour of sunlight!" is 2021's spoon-full-of-sugar take on the date. Here's how we're going to spend those bonus rays.
Remember those coupon books we gave our parents for the holidays? We're pretty sure some, like "I will Vacuum the Downstairs without You Asking" and "I'll be Nice to my Siblings for Free" never were redeemed, but the concept was solid. After all, the best gifts really are the ones from the heart. With that in mind, we give you our take on the 2020 Coupon Book.
Ring in the holidays with the 40th Annual Holiday Home Tour! This year's tour will be virtual - so you can view homes from the comfort of yours.
Treat yourselves to delicious convenience while supporting our community's tastiest. Eat up, Santa Clarita.
Help our local Boys & Girls Club keep tradition alive and join them in creating an exciting and safe Festival of Trees holiday event!
Help our Neighbors Build a Bridge to Home this Holiday Season
Eat, binge and drive to support Locals!
Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley is again hosting LUNAFEST, the annual traveling all-women film festival!
God knows you don't choose your purpose in life; purpose always chooses you.
For years, August was synonymous with "Heart of the West" in Santa Clarita. Now Carousel Ranch transitions their signature fundraiser online!
As we begin to ease back into a sense of normalcy, outdoor entertaining has become a safe and fun way to get together with the ones we've been missing. Whether you come back with a bang or slowly expand your "in-person" circle, our local restaurants have found creative ways to help you entertain outdoors with all the style, taste and celebration you're used to.
With more of us relaxing at home this summer, it's time to immerse ourselves in the finer things that define the "al fresco" lifestyle.
Ready to bring back dinner parties? The season is right to gather friends around a backyard table and serve up some togetherness alongside your best bottle of summer white. After so much time apart, give yourself a dinner party off with catering, so you can focus on what really matters - catching up with friends, stealing hugs when you can and simply being present in the rare moment of closeness.
Carousel Ranch is excited to share their plans for this year's Heart of the West at home.
From Brunch to Memberships - Here are some of the BEST!
April in Santa Clarita is a magical month - it's not yet oven-crisping hot... and three local festivals give us
excuses a'plenty to get outside and enjoy some of the best our community has to offer.
Santa Clarita's spring theater lineup is serving up a fresh batch of family-friendly finds.
Mark your calendars for April 4 - because you won't want to miss the 8th Annual Sierra Pelona Valley AVA Wine Festival at Reyes Winery.
We're all in luck - St. Patrick's Day is on Tuesday, March 17 and Santa Clarita is celebrating with gastric events around town. Dress in your best green, then head out for corned beef, beer and fun.
Santa Clarita's arts and culture community continues to impress with new, exciting opportunities to skip the freeway and enjoy high-quality performances close to home.
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