Santa Clarita, it's Time to THiNK
July, 2009 - Issue #57
Remember when, scorned by a high school crush who (mistakenly) fell for the charms of another, you were prompted to question, "What do they have that I don't have?"

I'm pretty sure that the Santa Clarita Valley knows how you feel. For years - decades, in fact - our pretty valley has fought for your attention.

Your cruel "I love you, Santa Clarita, but I'm looking for culture" sentiments were met not with a cold shoulder but with the addition of gourmet restaurants and a glittering new performing arts center.

That's nice, you said. "But I'm into serious recreation now." So she spent millions on bike trails and aquatic centers and skateboard parks.

You wanted posh. She drew boutiques that would rival the best Beverly Hills could offer.

Then you claimed she was too "new." It was history - a sense of relevance - you sought. Santa Clarita gently reminded you that she was the home of cowboys (real, Hollywood and festival) and invested in Old Town Newhall's revitalization to boot.

And so, I ask on her behalf, "What does any other place have that Santa Clarita doesn't have?"

But I already know the answer: Nothing.

"The THiNK Santa Clarita Valley first campaign is a tremendous partnership among a wide variety of local business, government, advisory groups and nonprofit entities interested in promoting WHAT IS GREAT ABOUT SANTA CLARITA.
I have been very impressed with the collaborative effort displayed by everyone and how all of those involved are working together for
the benefit of our
entire community
~ Mayor Frank Ferry
And I think that's the driving philosophy behind the Valley's newest - and hopefully most successful - attempt at convincing you to keep it local.

The fresh 'Think Santa Clarita Valley' campaign isn't just about the SCV. It's about you. Ever noble, the push also focuses on how residents can save time, fuel and money by sticking close to Acton, Agua Dulce, Canyon Country, Castaic, Newhall, Saugus, Stevenson Ranch, Valencia, Val Verde, Westridge and Tesoro.

"This is an all-encompassing effort," says Kevin Leahy, owner of Candleman in Valencia and a member of the Chamber of Commerce's Economic Development Committee. "Investing in the community where you live helps businesses grow, which in turn give back through taxes, talent and time."

And it's not just about retail and restaurants. "This is just as much about dentists and insurance agents," says Leahy. "We are making an enthusiastic, passionate effort to affect our community in a positive way, long term. This is about keeping our neighbors employed, our storefronts filled, our nonprofits thriving."

And that makes it about Mom and Pop. "Stores like mine, we're different than a national chain," says the candle and accessory purveyor. "I have great clients from all over this valley who know that shopping near their home, not on the internet or in another town, can provide a better, more convenient experience for the same price or less."

Think Santa Clarita Valley proponents want you to consider the SCV for personal - and personnel - decisions, too. A substantial component of the plan includes encouraging businesses to hire locals and do their B2B shopping in town.

That's good news to Cory Peterson, owner of Peterson Printing and a long-time SCV resident. "We're family owned and operated, and I'm so proud of the excellent service our customer reps provide. We can do anything the big guys can do. The difference is that we take a real interest in your project and your success. We go above and beyond, and I think the same can be said of the vast majority of small, locally-owned businesses in this community. We care."

Now the question is, do you?

Therese Edwards is a publisher and the editor in chief of Inside SCV Magazine. Her second-favorite sentence in the English language is the often-overheard: "I saw your business in Inside SCV Magazine!" (Her first-favorite sentence is "Dinner's ready," but only when it's uttered by someone else.)

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