Single Inside the SCV
If You're Single, You Need to Read This!
February, 2006 - Issue #16
Mimi Yacobucci
Mimi Yacobucci
Have you often wondered, "Am I the only single person in the Santa Clarita Valley? Am I the only one in this city who has not yet found their soul mate?"

I ask myself these questions all the time. I am a professional, 32-year-old, independent, fun gal looking for a long-term relationship. Although this sounds pretty simple, dating is not always an easy task when living in the SCV! Why is it so hard to meet other singles in this area?

Don't get me wrong. I love living here, but it's really hard to meet that special person in such a family-oriented community. Can any of you singles relate to what I'm saying?

It's time for someone to take charge and speak out for the single people in this community, and I guess I'm the gal to do it. We can't just sit on our couches watching reality TV and expect our soul mate to come to us. We have to take the initiative and go out there to meet that special someone.

Don't think for a second that I haven't tried. I've done the bar scene, have been set up on blind dates and even tried online dating. Too bad I keep meeting Mr. Wrong. When I do meet a nice guy outside the SCV, I have to draw a map of California just to show him where I live. This inevitably leads to being labeled "geographically undesirable."

Inside SCV Singles at Wolf Creek

Tuesday, February 7, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Come one, come all! If you're single,
please join us! The event is free,
and anyone wearing a nametag for the event will get
Happy Hour pricing on Wolf Creek's famous brews.
If you're too cool to don a nametag, the
beer's full price (oh, the many costs of pride).

Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewing Co.
is located at 27746 N. McBean Parkway
(263-9653). No RSVP needed -
just stop by, relax and meet good people.
My married friends have no idea how hard it is to meet a man in the SCV who appreciates the qualities I possess. They keep telling me I'll bump into a single guy at the grocery store. Do they really think I'm going to be picking out bananas, see a cute guy in the produce section and say, "Nice bananas. Are you single?"

I've decided it's time to be pro-active and give singles in the SCV more options. My goal is to create another avenue for singles in this community to meet someone special. There has to be more single men and women in the SCV who know where I'm coming from. If you do, I need your help now! Please support me on my quest - I don't want to hang out in the produce section any longer!

I have come up with a casual event to get this started. See the sidebar for all the details. I urge you to stop by; the more people who show up, the better the chances.

If you're unable to attend but are interested in helping with another event, or if you have suggestions, please e-mail me. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Happy dating!


When not scoping out guys on the fruit aisle, Mimi is a successful corporate diva who knows how to have a good time. E-mail her at, or hang out in the produce section of Ralph's. You'll run into her eventually.
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