Single in Santa Clarita? Not for Long...
Great Finds in Santa Clarita: We Match Dating Service
February, 2005 - Issue #5
Single in Santa Clarita? Not for Long...
Single in Santa Clarita? Not for Long...
Anybody who claims they have never thought about joining a dating service is a liar - a big, fat, lonely liar. What is it about dating services that make people cringe in fear while simultaneously becoming overwhelmed with curiosity? Is it a pride issue, or perhaps just the phobia of meeting a psychopath? Whatever the reason, we must always keep in mind that for every normal person signing up for a little dating assistance there is always at least one other doing the same thing, and that "other" just might have your name written all over him or her.

Luckily, for all you single Santa Claritan's who are lacking skills in the relationship area, two women have started a business that just might help you find that soulmate you've fantasized so much about. Uma Chopra and Sophia Fernandez, founders of We Match, have embarked on a mission to help local business professionals find true love. Their ultimate goal is to "give a better value and substance to the word 'dating' in the 21st century." Chopra and Fernandez, both single, know how hard it is to find a promising mate. "I, like so many of my single friends, am very disappointed with the dating scene out here. My goal is to get people together. [Santa Clarita] is a growing community; we need to take advantage of that," says Chopra.

We Match's owners pride themselves in having a specialized group of individuals as members. Everyone must be over the age of 30 and live in the Santa Clarita Valley. With participants' minimum annual income being $50,000 for men and $40,000 for women, the chances of compatibility are high. "We give you the opportunity to meet somebody who is really looking for someone of quality. You get the chance to meet people one-on-one; it's not impersonal like an internet dating service," adds Chopra.

We Match uses speed dating as its method of playing cupid. Speed dating allows men and women to spend a few minutes getting to know each other on a personal level. After their short session is over, they move on to another member and repeat. Chopra and Fernandez hope to get enough response to total a speed dating session of one and a half hours. This means that in one short period, you will be introduced to perhaps a dozen available matches. How many nights of bar hopping does that equal? And, since members cannot exchange contact information during events, no uncomfortable situations will arise when you would like to turn someone down. We Match will take care of contacting interested parties, and only after approval from both individuals can another meeting be set up.

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, now is the perfect time to stop envying your married friends. Join the ladies of We Match on January 26 at Wine Savor in Valencia for their first get together. Can't make it? No worries - another event is scheduled in February at The Social in Newhall. Let We Match find your perfect match! Call 803-3868 or 312-4366 for membership fees and general information.


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