Valencia Country Club Combines Quality with Affordability
April, 2016 - Issue #138
"It's hands-down the best course around," says one Valencia Country Club member. "It's a great place to relax with my family," says another.

"But it's too expensive," says... you?

That's what I thought, too, until I visited the gorgeously-gated private Club, which just celebrated its 50th anniversary.

"When you do the math, membership makes a lot of sense," says Missy Skinner, the Club's Director of Membership Sales and Marketing. "We have everything our members desire and more. They cancel their gym memberships and work out here in our well-appointed fitness center overlooking the course; they take advantage of the putting greens; the private-course access; the shoe service; the dining... It's a very exclusive experience that doesn't come with a cost-prohibitive price tag."
Members get the most out of their investment by enjoying all the Club has to offer. The new management team has packed the social calendar with everything from Bloody Mary Bars, Family Pasta Nights, Free Golf Clinics, Book Clubs, Date Nights with Kids' Clubs, Membership Mixers, Kids' Magic Nights, Family Craft Nights, Chef's Table Breakfasts, Tournaments and more.

"It's an incredible value," says Skinner. "For a monthly fee that is comparable to what most are spending on a car payment, our members have exclusive access to our exquisite, immaculately-groomed course - which many say is the best in Los Angeles county. This is a place where every member of the family gets so much out of their time. The Club is where members network with each other and their own clients; where they go for Date Night; where their kids socialize with friends; where women bond over golf and just-for-her events; where families celebrate holidays and special occasions. Our membership is diverse, actively engaged and looking forward to meeting new members!"

With 0-interest financing and a variety of customizable membership packages, there's never been a better time to join. "We have a variety of non-refundable and fully-refundable packages that start at only $175 a month for our Junior Players. Youth ages 7 to 23 can join, and a parent can golf with them once a month! We also have memberships for those under 39. There are so many young families in Santa Clarita and we want them to know that Valencia Country Club is the place where they can afford to spend quality family time."

Want to know just how affordable a membership can be? "I always suggest that potential members drop in for a tour and a chat," says Skinner. "I want them to drink in the traditional ambience, see existing membership enjoying all the Club has to offer and have an opportunity to discuss which sort of membership meets their budget and their lifestyle."

Why your Neighbors have Joined Valencia Country Club

"We joined because we were looking for a better way to spend QUALITY FAMILY TIME. We enjoy the FAMILY ACTIVITIES that the Club provides and the Sunday afternoons we spend on the course with our children is PRICELESS."

"My wife and I were new to the area and really didn't know anyone. I convinced her that it would be a GREAT WAY TO MEET PEOPLE in the community and I was right. We have made LIFE-LONG FRIENDSHIPS."

"I needed a place to entertain clients that LIVED UP TO MY EXPECTATIONS. I am continually impressed with the consistent level of service that I receive when I am at the Club. It has been a great place to entertain clients both on and off the course."

"I knew golf was a great way to BUILD BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS. Being able to spend four hours with a key prospect can make all the difference in my business. Trying to play business golf at public courses presented many challenges. Becoming a member at Valencia has worked out BETTER THAN I COULD HAVE IMAGINED. Not only am I using the Club for business on a regular basis but I have found that it is a great place to relax with my family."

"I joined the club to reward myself, but I soon realized that it was a GREAT PLACE FOR MY KIDS, too. I never imagined that both my son and daughter would enjoy the game of golf as much as they do. The life lessons that golf teaches like honesty, integrity, respect and perseverance have really been beneficial to them."
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