Burn Some Rubber
Get the Family to the Oldies & Goodies Car Show
September, 2008 - Issue #47
photography by Tommy So
photography by Tommy So
This summer has been dragging like a stubborn mule on a broken sled. With half the population terrified to open the mail for fear of another mortgage rate adjustment and the rest exhausted from clawing behind the sofa cushions for gas money, that one-week stay-cation just isn't cutting it. If we don't come up with something fun for the whole family that's local, inexpensive and entertaining, we're likely to start scanning Craigslist for the local Dr. Kevorkian Day Spa.

Saugus Speedway is ready to race to your festivity-challenged needs. The 13th-annual Oldies and Goodies car show has something for everyone. If you can't find some entertainment here you might as well move to Siberia and raise yaks.

This event is renowned for its acres of top-notch automotive eye-candy slathered across the speedway infield like diamond frosting on an asphalt cake. With more than 500 vehicles competing in over 47 classes ranging from classic muscle cars to fully-custom motorcycles, you can bet that any motorhead's heartbeat will redline within 30 seconds of arrival. Even the most jaded Prius-driving internal combustion hater will find something to jumpstart his inner hemi V8.

If you've got something old and shiny in your garage, bust out the power buffer. The competition will be stiffer than Mitt Romney's hair, but you owe it to yourself and every other red-blooded American to show off that piece of classic iron. If the fun and honor of basking in the slack-jawed admiration of 10,000 drooling spectators isn't incentive enough, consider the first- and second-place trophies awarded in most categories. One of those would look awfully good on the mantel. If you've got a really special ride you could even take home a cash prize of up to $1,000.
"The Oldies and Goodies car show
has something for everyone. If you
can't find some ENTERTAINMENT here you might as well
move to Siberia and raise yaks."

But this show isn't just for motorheads. The less mechanically inclined will find plenty to do. The show features rides and games for the kids, raffles and maybe even a special appearance by a well-known (but super secret) team of beer-pouring hostesses. And don't miss the mouth-watering barbecue that could make even the most devoted Birkenstock-wearing vegan renounce the Whole Foods soy-protein aisle. With 100-plus vendors offering anything and everything from memorabilia to automotive goods to T-shirts, if you can name it, you will probably find it here.

More than a car show, this event brings families together. Strolling the grounds with your children can't help but foster more communication than a month of Sunday dinners. Getting your kid off the couch and shutting off the incessant repetition of that annoying Guitar Hero video game would be worth the price of admission alone. But seeing the awe in their eyes when they gawk at that '65 Corvette Grandpa courted Granny in will create the sort of lasting connection that just can't be made any other way.

Of course, it's not a party without music and the Speedway has that covered. This year marks the return of the Corvettes, a San Diego-based doo wop band that brings to life their renditions of Tina Turner and Aretha Franklin favorites. Last year this band brought more people to their feet than the fountains at Lourdes. The opening act, local band BackPages, features a lead singer that belts out songs by artists ranging from Van Morrison to Jim Morrison, with a voice that can match any of them. Wear comfortable shoes, because you'll be dancing before the second set.

An event like this is all about fun, relaxation and escape from the realities of modern life. But this isn't just about us - every year the Speedway donates a portion of the proceeds to a local charity, racking up in excess of $120,000 in donations over the years. This time around, the Senior Center of Santa Clarita will reap the benefits of the Speedway's generosity. In addition, the Valencia Vikings Ladies Softball team will be on hand to raise funds for their team needs.

So come out and have some fun in a classic American fashion. We invented the muscle car, doo-wop music and barbecue - let's revel in our shared heritage.

Start your Engines...
Saturday, September 6, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Where: Saugus Speedway

Cost: Adults are $10; Children 12 and under are $3

Vehicle entry fee: Pre-registration is $25 before August 20 (includes a goody bag and show admission for driver and one passenger); $30 day of show (no goodies).

For more info: call 259-3886 or visit
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