Wishing You Prosperity, Joy & Peace
Bringing restoration, love and hope to the most weary and heavy-laden hearts this season.
Easter love, the upcoming Creation Summit & a basket of surprises!
What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to peace.
You don't need to be a referee to know that life is about choices. Choices make you and break you! Destiny is about decisions, not conditions. You can't grow, mature, develop or make progress without making decisions. In a complex world filled with options, adulthood is about making the call, decisively and emphatically!
Life today can be very busy and noisy, if not downright chaotic and confusing.
The Master's University School of Music will be performing John Rutter's "Requiem" on April 5 and April 6 at 7:30pm as a celebration of the resurrection of Christ.
On the Hunt for Sweet Easter Memories? From worship services to themed events around town - we have it all!
Christmases the world over feature stories: stories of family traditions, stories of new firsts, stories of lost lives and loves.
It all started on the Judean hillside in Luke 2. The angel of the Lord said, "I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." Suddenly, there was a multitude of angels proclaiming, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men with whom He is pleased."
The key to living the Christian Life has to do with understanding the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Last Firewall for Freedom
How do God and government go together?
Don't you wish you could answer people's challenges to your faith the way Jesus did in all situations?
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in Chapter 17 of the Apostle John's account of Jesus' life and ministry on Earth, where Jesus prays for His disciples, all who call Him Lord. He is interceding on our behalf before His Father in Heaven.
A bit of encouragement as we see the world spiral downward away from God's truth and righteousness.
Easter is Sunday, April 17
Passover Begins Friday, April 15
Looking for hope? Look to Revelation
Be a hero in 2022!
Let the expectation of this season help you prepare to receive the gifts that God has for you.
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