For Families of Faith
Keep your children's faith growing this summer
July, 2009 - Issue #57
Serve Others
"We live in such a 'me'-focused society; our children don't see beyond themselves. This summer can be about putting our faith into action. The best way to live out the Bible is to serve others. Become aware of what others need. Social justice is very important to God.

My 5 and 9 year old discussed ways to celebrate their birthdays this year. They decided to have a party and this year they will pass on gifts and ask friends to give money to their favorite organization, Zoe, which rescues children from human trafficking.

In these tough economic times, we all know families that are struggling. Find ways you and your kids can bless them with dinner, groceries or fresh-baked cookies. If your family lives near an elderly person, ask them if your child could plant flowers or help them with chores.

Another great organization that always needs volunteers to help stock shelves and provide food donations is the Food Pantry in Newhall (255-9078). Make it a great summer by doing something for someone else!"
~ Pastor Javier Labrador of Frontline Community Church 513-0240

Demonstrate Good Values
"The Bible teaches us in Proverbs 22:6: Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. A key factor in the training/learning process is having the benefit of demonstration.

With the extra time that summer presents to the parent, you have an opportunity to share more quality time with your children. With this time we can demonstrate - through our actions - our values and what we believe. We can demonstrate the value and importance of love in action by doing projects together such as volunteering time or raising money for charities or attending Vacation Bible School together.

Another way to increase a sense of family values and tradition is to take a historical trip showing where parents or forefathers grew up, went to school, worked or came to know Christ. This type of time together will help instill in our children a sense of who they are, what they are a part of, and a desire to continue or enhance that legacy."
~ Pastor Les Robinson of Burning Bush Church 297-BUSH (2874)

Thursday, July 9 and Friday, July 10
Frontline Community Church hosts God's Girls

The faith-based workshop for girls (8 to 12 years old) will cover puberty, reproduction, peer pressure and purity; 513-0240
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