Have Faith...
Resolutions of Spirit
January, 2009 - Issue #51
Does your list of New Year's resolutions include a preponderance of material changes? While losing weight, saving money and recycling more are all valuable efforts, let's not forget the more philosophical, transformative resolutions. Consider the following suggestions, courtesy of Santa Clarita's well-respected local pastors.

Resolve to Love
The New Year's resolution with the biggest impact that one could make and keep for year 2009 and beyond would be to carry out the instructions of Jesus Christ recorded in St. Matthew 22:37-40. Committing to love God with all we have and loving our neighbors like we should love ourselves would not only change us and our outlook on life, it would also transform the lives and actions of those around us. Our world is in dire need of true love. Committing to live a life of love means that we are predisposed to giving and forgiving. There is no problem that true love cannot solve. There is no hurt that true love cannot heal. There is no defense against true love because God is love. ~ Pastor Les Robinson of The Burning Bush Church 297-BUSH

Resolve to Find Peace
Ultimately, people are seeking peace. Peace in the home, peace at work, peace in relationships, and most certainly peace in their mind. As we take steps to achieve this level of peace that is so commonly desired, it is important to realize that, contrary to what many of us have been taught, peace does not come through resources. Peace comes through relationships: specifically, a relationship with Jesus Christ. There is a reason why there are so many people who have tons of resources, but no peace. I think the 2009 resolution should focus on achieving real peace, perfect peace, the ultimate peace that can only come through a relationship with Jesus Christ. ~ Pastor Marlon Saunders of Valencia Christian Center 977-4100

Resolve to Evaluate how we Spend Resources
New Year's is a great opportunity to evaluate our essentials - who or what are we truly worshipping in our lives? One glance at our day planners and checkbooks will tell us where our time, energy and money have gone this last year and give us a chance to evaluate where the essence of our lives are flowing this year. It's fascinating how such practical and material things can reveal deep spiritual reality. ~ Pastor Jim Girdlestone of Centre Pointe Church 287-6151

Resolve to Add more God to your Life
I am not a big believer in resolutions but in decisions. Every day I am overwhelmed by God and His uncensored grace. It's this grace and His faithfulness that spurs me to make a decision as we enter 2009 and one I am challenging our partners at Frontline to make. I hope you will join us as we decide in 2009 that we need "More God" in our lives. We don't need more bailouts, a way out or more money... we need "More God" in our daily lives, actions and decisions. In '08 you tried "more of everything" to deal with what you faced. In 2009, make a decision for "More God," not religion, but a true, loving relationship with Jesus. Fall back in love in 2009.~ Pastor Javier Labrador of Frontline Community Church 513-0240

Resolve to have Hope
In these times of uncertainty, it is comforting and assuring to know that we have a confident, unchanging source of hope, joy and peace for our lives. My prayer for you in this coming New Year is found in Romans 15:13... "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Wishing you God's blessings in the New Year as you trust in Him! ~ Pastor Pete Mano of Hope Vineyard Church 251-8340
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