Have Faith...
Questions to Ask and Answer before You Say "I Do"
March, 2009 - Issue #53
Measuring Commitment

The most important questions should begin with the issue of a potential mate's commitment to God. What is his or her life founded on? What philosophy do they live by? Is Christ really the Lord of their life, or is it someone or something else? Will they follow God's word completely, or make allowances when times get tight? Remember - wherever they are headed, you will be, too. Getting the answers to these questions should involve more than merely asking. You would be wise to watch that one's actions match their professions. Before saying "I do," you should know that your significant other is trustworthy. Honesty, or the lack thereof, will greatly influence your ability to trust, and trust is the foundation on which all great relationships are built. When two people truly commit their lives to Christ, life and its priorities tend to line up correctly, resulting in balance, order and happiness. ~ Pastor Les Robinson of Burning Bush Church 297-BUSH (2874)

After 16 years of marriage, I can tell you the number-one key to a healthy marriage is communication. The problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished. Communicating is an art that requires listening for what is truly being said, not just what you hear or want to hear. The process of communication starts before the "I do's." Consider these questions: What are my expectations of marriage? Be clear; it will help you both meet those expectations. What are your communication styles? Most likely, his greatest need is for respect and hers is for love. Discuss how you fulfill that need for each other. And as you enter into marriage, make a decision that there is no "back door." Fight for each other at all costs, and make God the center of your marriage always. ~ Pastor Javier Labrador of Frontline Community Church 513-0240

Laying a Solid Foundation
Jesus saved his very first miracle for a wedding. Since it is so important to God, it goes without saying that it should be just as important to us. It is not a union that should be entered into lightly, but rather, with much caution and deliberation. I suggest asking and answering three key questions that will not only lay a solid foundation but show that this union was not entered into haphazardly. Question One: Define your relationship with Jesus Christ. Question Two: How does your relationship with Jesus weigh against the relationship we will have as a couple? Question Three: How does your relationship with Jesus weigh against our ability to make the best choices for our household? ~ Pastor Marlon Saunders of Valencia Christian Center 977-4100
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