Have Faith...
Reflections for Easter 2009
April, 2009 - Issue #54
A Gift from God
Over 2,000 years ago on a hill called Calvary, a man named Jesus was crucified. He had committed no crime. His was a life driven by love and compassion for all. He brought comfort to those who were in pain, hope to those who were hopeless, health and healing to the sick and love to those who had been labeled unworthy of love. This same man, Jesus, sent into the world by God the Father, died for every one of our sins. He rose from the dead days later to claim victory over sin and the grave, and offers to all who will believe the same power to overcome sin and the grave. Jesus promised a life of true peace and purpose here on earth and after this life, eternal life with God - the Father in Heaven. A fitting response to this great gift from God is to attend church this Easter Sunday and offer thanks for his most gracious gift, Jesus. ~
Pastor Les Robinson of Burning Bush Church 297-BUSH (2874)

A Reminder that with God, All Things are Possible
As we celebrate the risen savior and mark the occasion of God's powerful love and grace as demonstrated in Jesus Christ, we are reminded afresh that with God all things are possible. No matter what we may face in life, "If it isn't bigger than raising a dead Jesus," God can handle it. Through these tough economic times of struggle and strain, we can look to the empty tomb as the ultimate source of faith and inspiration and thus say with complete confidence: My God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that we may ask or even hope. Easter reminds us of that and more. ~ Pastor Julius Harper of Santa Clarita Christian Fellowship 298-8189

Good to See You Back - Why not Stay Awhile?
I love this time of year! We at church get to see those who have gone missing for a long while. That's OK. I understand that people are on a search for God, looking for the right door to enter into, the right church to be part of... And the need to fulfill their Easter church requirement. Yet, this Easter I want to encourage you not to attend because it's "what you do" but rather connect because you want to know this Jesus who gave His very life for you and rose again on the third day. He can be known and desires a relationship with you. When it comes to God, many people think He's locked himself behind closed doors, restricting our access to Him. You can keep searching or believe that through Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, God has provided us with an all-access pass to Him. So this Easter, come, connect and awaken to all God has for you in this amazing life He offers to all who believe.~ Pastor Javier Labrador of Frontline Community Church 513-0240

Find Hope this Easter
For so many who find themselves in financial need, home foreclosures, job loss and a breakdown in family relationships, they are overwhelmed with feelings of hopelessness. But I have great news - Easter brings hope! Not the day itself, but the person of Easter. God's love is so great for you that He sent His son, Jesus Christ, over 2,000 years ago to conquer hopelessness. True hope is only found in knowing Christ and His resurrection power in your life. If you need hope, look to the God of all Hope. He specializes in turning hopelessness into hopefulness. ~ Pastor Mike Scott of Living Grace Christian Fellowship 257-8432
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