Have Faith...
Profiles in Faith
December, 2009 - Issue #62
Friday, December 11 through Sunday, December 13
Friday, December 11 through Sunday, December 13
Friday, December 11 through Sunday, December 13
Bethlehem Lutheran Ministries Presents "Follow the Star"
From 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., you're invited to attend this free, outdoor, walk-through or drive-through event. The living pageant of Jesus' life features over 200 costumed participants who share the joyful message of God's Love. "Follow the Star" is an emotional, vibrant and inspiring educational experience that illustrates various stages of God's only Son's life on earth. After experiencing the pageant, visitors are treated to live music from carolers in the courtyard, refreshments and fellowship. Donations of non-perishable food and personal items will be collected for and Lutheran Social Services. Last year over a ton of food and more than $2,000 were donated to assist the needy in Santa Clarita; 252-0622

Lake Hills Community Church
"Growing in the Lord"
According to Pastor Harris, "Lake Hills Community Church is a local body that seeks to glorify God through the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the inspired inerrant Word of God. We are a Bible church, and thus all the ministries which we do have a biblical basis to them, or we do not do them. The preaching and teaching of God's Word receives emphasis that flows from a walk of holiness with God, true worship before God, and hopefully leads to an evangelistic and missions-minded church."

The Bible verse that exemplifies this philosophy can be found in
2 Timothy 4:1-2. "I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom, preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction."

You're Invited: December 5 and 19 for Men's Ministry Bible Study at 7:30 a.m.; December 6 for Women's Ministry Christmas Gathering
from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; December 24 for Christmas Eve
Worship Service.

Join them in Worship: 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. at 33100 Lake Hughes Road in Castaic 257-5777

Burning Bush Church
"A Place of Discovery - Offering Life, Love, Hope & Healing"

Says Pastor Les, "We are a multicultural, non-denominational ministry committed to reaching, teaching and equipping people with the full counsel of God's Word in the spirit of love. We encourage everyone to live lives that would demonstrate God's love to the world." The Burning Bush Church is a place of personal truth, discovery and affirmation. The presence and power of God is here to speak to, comfort and challenge us to live lives of significance. The sermons are accurate, simplistic and inspiring. Their goal is to help people understand who they are, whose they are and the benefits of establishing a relationship with Christ.

"The Bible is God's instruction manual for life," informs the pastor. "Just as a manufacturer provides an instruction manual for his product to ensure proper usage and customer satisfaction, God has provided us with an instruction manual - The Bible - to ensure our success in life."

You're Invited: Sunday, November 22 for a Smooth Jazz Concert - "Jammin' for FCA" - at 2 p.m. at Legacy Christian Academy.

Join them in Worship: Services are held at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Burning Bush Church is located at Legacy Christian Academy, 27680 Dickason Drive, Valencia 297-BUSH (2874)

Debt and Scripture
With Christmas right around the corner, it's tempting to pull out those credit cards. The advice I have for you is simple - don't do it!
How often do you reflect back after the holidays and feel regret for having incurred so much new debt? No wonder "debt" is a four-letter word. Scripture specifically discourages us from getting into debt. In
Romans 13:8, it says that we are to "owe no man anything." When you think about it, it wasn't that long ago that being in debt was looked down upon, but today we live in a consumption-based society that actually encourages us to have debt.

We should seriously consider the consequences of debt. Think about the impact it has on us in terms of stress and the effect it has on our relationships. Scripture further states in Proverbs 22:7 that "the borrower is servant to the lender." That one deserves a great big "Amen!"

One way to avoid getting into debt is to have a bigger focus, like an overall financial plan, for short and long-term goals. Second, you might consider setting a cash budget for your holiday spending, followed by a specific plan of attack as to who you'll buy for and how much you'll spend. Refuse to be a "servant to the lender" and do your best to stay out of debt this holiday season.
Source: Glen Esteban of LPL Financial Services 295-8938
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