Have Faith...
Easter Reflections
April, 2010 - Issue #66
The Resurrection Offers Hope of New Realities

"Faith gives substance to our hopes and convinces us of realities we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1 REB). Faith proclaims new realities based on evidence, methodologies or experiences suggesting the existence of the unseen and the possibility of the impossible.

In spite of faith's optimism, its risks keep most committed to the status quo. Fulfillment of hope and new realities don't come quickly - if they come at all. Holders of faith are often ridiculed and oppressed.

No great human endeavor is faithless. The resurrection of Jesus offers the hope of new realities beyond the best of human efforts. ~ Minister Ray Davis of North Oaks Church of Christ 252-2298

Seeking the Creative Spirit
At the heart of Easter is the resurrection. That is, the re-creation of the possibility of life in all of its fullness available both immediately and eternally through faith in Christ. It is the active participation through life in this Creative Spirit that we seek - the Spirit that first gave birth to the world and then, through unconditional life-creating love, reversed the curse of sin and death and released new life to us. Living fully, freely and faithfully in the Spirit and experiencing life now as a creative project - this is how Antioch defines the life of the faithful follower of Jesus. ~ Pastor Jim Girdlestone of Antioch

Symbol of Promise
Symbols of promise, hope and new beginning include the early morning dew on freshly-cut grass, birds singing the choruses of spring, the crisp morning air filled with the fragrance of blossoming fruit trees and flowers in radiant bloom. But the greatest symbol of promise, hope and new beginning is the symbol of the cross upon which Jesus Christ died over two thousand years ago. The cross was where our freedom from the guilt and penalty of sin was purchased by God. As a result of his never-ending unconditional love for you and me, God sent his son Jesus to die in our place, giving us a promise and hope for a new life. My prayer is that you would open your heart to know and experience the awesome love of God.
~ Pastor Les Robinson 297-BUSH

Easter Services, Sunday, April 4
At Antioch
The only Christian coffeehouse-style music venue in the SCV hosts music every Friday night at 8 p.m. - no cover charge. Antioch Sunday service starts at 11 a.m. Visit Antioch at 24422 Chestnut Street in Newhall, near the Egg Plantation;

At Burning Bush Church
On Easter Sunday the Burning Bush Church will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with a special Easter message, live worship, a children's musical entitled "Alive Forever" and an Easter egg hunt. All are welcome. Services begin at 10 a.m., held at The Legacy Christian Academy in Valencia; 297-BUSH

At Lake Hills Community Church
Check out their website for Easter service times and details; 257-5777

At North Oaks Church of Christ
Fellowship at 9:35 a.m., classes at 10 a.m., worship at 11 a.m., children's Bible hour at 11 a.m. Easter events include a guest speaker and an Easter egg hunt right after service for kids up to sixth grade; 252-2298

Wednesday, March 31 & Thursday, April 1
The Master's College Department of Music
Performs Forest Lawn Easter Concerts

Concert begins at 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 7 p.m.) at the Hall of Crucifixion-Resurrection at Forest Lawn in Glendale (1712 South Glendale Avenue). The main work being performed is Handel's Messiah, involving the campus-wide choral group the Collegiate Singers, as well as The Master's College Orchestra. Soloists are Sarah Dixon, Kimberlyn Jones and Jason Hendrickson. The Master's College Orchestra will also be performing Introduction and Allegro by Edward Elgar. Tickets to the Forest Lawn concerts are complimentary and can be requested by calling or e-mailing a request; 362-2262
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