Have Faith...
May, 2011 - Issue #79
A Mother's Day Reflection

Life is a series of firsts. The history books note and celebrate individuals who achieved an event first. Many may have duplicated their achievements, but the record belongs to the person who did it first.

Let me ask a few simple questions about the firsts in our lives. Who was our first protector? Who gave us our first meal? Who was our first teacher? Who was our first confidant? Who was the recipient of our first love note? The person who was first in our lives was our mother.

College athletes, when the camera is turned on them, will often look into it and say "Hi, Mom!" When we have done something wrong, we often stress over the realization that our mother might find out.

Mothers are special to us. The wisdom contained in the Proverbs has this succinct saying: Proverbs 6:20, "My son, obey your father's commands, and don't neglect your mother's instruction."

All that I need to know I might not have learned in kindergarten, but - in reality - from my mother. In a calm and reassuring tone they can make the most difficult situation seem bearable and the easiest challenge a cause for celebration. Her wisdom can be a source of inspiration and encouragement many years after it is given.

In this month that we honor mothers, even when we are in adulthood, we can bring joy to our mothers and honor their memory and dedication to us. Be the first to say "thank you" for the gentle kisses when we were scared, and the milk and cookies when we needed a snack. Be the first to say something good about the woman who cared for you for the first nine months of your life and made a great sacrifice for you. And be the first to pass on her wise instruction to those who might be privileged to call you "Mom."
Cornell H. Winston is the associate pastor for education ministries at Santa Clarita Christian Fellowship Church in Canyon Country; 298-8189

Easter Celebrations
Sunday, April 24
Burning Bush Church

At 10 a.m., experience a dramatic play, Easter service and egg hunt. Held at 27680 Dickason Drive in Valencia at the Legacy Christian Academy MPR;
297-BUSH (2874)

Santa Clarita Christian Fellowship
At 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., participate in Easter services at Santa Clarita Christian Fellowship, located at 18541 Soledad Canyon Road in Santa Clarita (Albertson's Shopping Center);

Cornerstone Church
At 10 a.m., celebrate with Cornerstone Church in the Rio Norte Junior High MPR, located at 28771 Rio Norte Drive in Santa Clarita;

Support Christian Athletes!
Sunday, May 15
Jammin' for FCA Concert

If you enjoy the sounds of smooth jazz, you'll enjoy this concert - held at 2 p.m. at 27680Dickason Drive in Valencia in the Legacy Christian Academy MPR. Ticket proceeds benefit Fellowship of Christian Athletes; 297-BUSH (2874)
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