Have Faith
April, 2012 - Issue #90
A Corner of Hope and "No Worries!"
Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day worries - work, relationships, children, finances - that it's easy to get discouraged and lose sight of the bigger picture. This Easter, come renew your spirit and soul at Valencia UMC. We think that a little faith can infuse you with hope and bring all the other aspects of life into focus. On Easter and throughout April we'll be talking about how to let Jesus in and let worries go. No worries! No matter what your previous spiritual experience, you're welcome to restart your faith journey here. We believe God has called our corner of McBean to be a corner of Hope - and a place where we can let go of our worries! United Methodists hold to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. We have a passionate faith with strong convictions, but we also recognize that the world is not always black and white. We are willing to ask questions, to wrestle with difficult issues and to do this with grace and compassion. Methodists have been known for our emphasis on a personal faith, lived out in concrete ways in the world as we reach out to help others let go of their worries! We invite you to join us for a message of Hope and No Worries this Easter at one of our three services (8:30 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11 a.m.). We are located on the corner of McBean Parkway across from Henry Mayo Hospital. Valencia United Methodist Church 255-1301

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be
troubled and do
not be afraid."
John 14:27

Your Search can be Over
Many search for something which can't be found where they are looking. Can dependable candidates be found among TV sound bites or 30-second attack ads? Does escapism offer solutions for the burdened? When followers of Jesus arrived at his tomb to pay homage and to comfort one another, they were dumbfounded to find it opened and empty. Two dazzling beings appeared and asked, "Why search among the dead for one who is alive" (Lk 24.5 REB)? The followers, amid their sorrow, had forgotten Jesus foretold of his betrayal, rejection, death - and resurrection! So incredible was Jesus' victory over the grave that even his followers were stunned and speechless. You may find the resurrection of Jesus to be incredible but where else will you find hope after death has taken everything else? Where else will you find the strength to overcome after the world has abused you? North Oaks Church of Christ 252-2298

Help Family Promise do Good Works
In Santa Clarita, Family Promise has united 14 host congregations (including North Oaks Church of Christ and Valencia United Methodist Church) to provide temporary, transitional housing for homeless families. In the last six months, more than 30 locals - many of them children - have escaped abuse or life on the street with the help of Family Promise. The organization provides a safe place to sleep, healthy food, job search assistance, connections to public services and more. Right now, the organization needs our help. Next month, we'll tell you more about this wonderful organization. This month, in the spirit of Easter, we want to encourage you to help! Family Promise has these immediate needs.

Office volunteers - filing, answering phones
Social Service professionals | Social Media Management volunteers
New pillows | Gallon-size-or-larger water bottles
Diapers - any size | Inflatable beds - twin or queen
Construction materials & work for storage shelves
Toiletries | Temporary free or reduced-cost access to licensed daycare

Can you help? Please call Family Promise to arrange for volunteering or donation drop off. 251-2867
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